All it took was one spark of courage from a local school board like Russell County—and now a fire has started, with multiple school boards pushing back against the Virginia Department of Education’s attempt to force a radical form of transgender advocacy into every K-12 school! In the past month, at least seven local school boards have rejected or chosen to take no action on the state DOE’s dangerous Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools.”  So far, counties that have bucked the pressure include: Augusta, Bedford, RussellWashingtonBuchananLouisa and Prince EdwardOf course none of this would be possible without your voicescourageous parents and citizens —filling the meeting rooms, waving #ProtectEveryKid signs and speaking up for their children!

For instance, last week, the Louisa School Board unanimously agreed not to adopt the controversial, transgender-issues policy and instead gave a strong statement ensuring local parents that they are committed to protecting the bodily privacy and safety of every student in the district schools. If you live in Louisa County, or one of the other counties listed above, please thank your school board members and school superintendents for standing strong to protect every kid and respect parental rights. You can also share a sample resolution/statement that a board can adopt reaffirming parental rights rather than adopting policies that undermine those rights.  

Here’s another development adding fuel to the fire: As a result of the Founding Freedom Law Center's lawsuit against the VDOE, school boards now know that 1) these are merely guidance policies that local school boards cannot be forced to adopt; and 2) school boards will not lose state funding if they reject the Model Policies. 

The momentum that began in Russell County is spreading across Virginia in a big way -- and we need your help to keep it up!  Here’s how you can help:

  • Check the agenda: School boards are under pressure to adopt these policies before the start of the next school year, so many will hold meetings in the next few weeks to discuss this topic. For tips on how to learn when your school board is considering these policies, click HERE.

  • Contact school board members: If your school board is still waiting to take action, now is the time to tell them to.stand strong to protect every kid in the district by rejecting VDOE's transgender-issue policy. Specifically, you can encourage the school board not to adopt "transgender and gender-expansive" policies modeled after the VDOE's policy, or any policies proposed by the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) that reference Va. Code § 22.1-23.3 which will incorporate the VDOE’s transgender-issue policy and all the constitutional violations therein.

  • Attend the school board meeting and encourage other parents and neighbors to attend as well. You can download #ProtectEveryKid sticker designs and flyers to help you made a united, visible stand: We need to say YES to protecting our kids and NO to being forced into adopting sexualized, political agendas that don’t reflect our community needs.

Add your voice to the movement by challenging the school board to protect every kid’s mind, heart and body. Spread the word: Parents' rights don't end in the public school parking lot!




Equality vs. "Equity"