Family Life Education
Family Life Education (FLE) is Virginia’s version of sex education. Subject matter can range from what a family is, to puberty, to how to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Our concern is that schools are teaching children topics that are either not age appropriate, or not appropriate at all, and are undermining what parents may be teaching their child.
Parents have the right to opt their child out of FLE classes, but many do not know what is being taught. Our objective is to share as much information as possible with parents so that they can make an informed decision about whether their child should participate in FLE classes. We hope to soon begin a ranking system to help parents determine whether or not the class is right for their child.
While school districts are required to teach to certain standards of learning, as directed by the Department of Education, school districts may not have identical curricula, and may be presented at different grade levels, based on their resources and the ideology of the school board. As a result, not every school district is represented in our list due to availability of information. If your school district is missing, we highly encourage you to contact your school to view their FLE curriculum.
It’s also important for parents to have alternative materials they can use when having meaningful conversations with their kids, whether they choose to opt their child out of the FLE curriculum or not. Here are a few resources you may find to be helpful and safe alternatives that align with your values and beliefs:
Find your County/City
Accomack County
According to Accomack County Public Schools, “Parents have the right to review the complete family life curricula, including all supplemental materials used in any family life education program.” No further information about the process was given.
Albemarle County
According to Albemarle County Public Schools, “A complete copy of all printed materials and a description of all audio-visual materials shall be kept in the school library or office and made available for review during school office hours before and during the school year. The audio-visual materials shall be made available for review, upon request, on the same basis as the printed materials are made available. Parents and guardians are encouraged to make arrangements through their child’s school to review Family Life Education (FLE) materials.”
Abstinence encouraged
Alexandria City
Grade K FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 1 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 2 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 3 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 4 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 5 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 6 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 7 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grade 8 FLE Curriculum 2016-2017
Grades 9-12 FLE Curriculum 2016
Abstinence encouraged
Benefits of marriage highlighted
High School - Please note an individual opt-out form for high school is not available online. Parents may opt out their child, “in the appropriate section of the ACPS Signature Form, received in the Welcome Packet at the beginning of each school year.”
Alleghany County
Alleghany County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Amelia County
Amelia County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Amherst County
Amherst County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Appomattox County
Appomattox County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Arlington County
Opt-out Forms
*Arlington Parent Coalition (A parent’s group in Arlington with great resources!)
Augusta County
Augusta County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Bath County
Bath FLE Policy - “The School Board develops and distributes to the parents or guardians of students participating in the FLE program a summary designed to assist them in understanding the program implemented in its school division and to encourage parental guidance and involvement in the instruction of the students. Such information reflects the curricula of the program as taught in the classroom. The following statement is included on the summary: "Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction."
Bedford County
Bedford County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Bland County
According to Bland County Public Schools, “Each school board shall develop and distribute to parents or guardians of a student participating in the family life education program a summary designed to assist parents in understanding the program implemented in its school division as such program progresses and to encourage parental guidance and involvement in the instruction of the students. Such information shall reflect the curricula of the program as taught in the classroom. The school division shall include the following information on the summary:
"Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction."INTRODUCTION
An important element in the successful implementation of a Family Life Education program is parent/community involvement. A theme that runs throughout the program is the parent/teacher team approach to Family Life Education. Because of the sensitive nature of program content, a planned approach to parent/community involvement is critical.
In each school division that offers Family Life Education, the superintendent will identify a community involvement team, or use the school health advisory board, which should include individuals such as central office personnel, an elementary school principal, a middle school principal, a high school principal, teachers, a school board member, parents, one or more members of the clergy, a member of the medical and mental health profession, which may include a substance abuse prevention or treatment practitioner, and others in the community.
Parents and community-based personnel are encouraged to participate in statewide and local training sessions for Family Life Education.
The community involvement team or school health advisory board members will work with others in their localities to offer an ongoing plan to explain the Family Life Education program and to solicit support and involvement in its implementation.
Department of Education staff members provide workshops and training sessions on Family Life Education and related topics at the state leadership conference and in localities as requested. Parents participate on the statewide HIV/STD Resources Review Panel and on other planning committees as formed. One of the current 15 training modules addresses Strengthening Parental Involvement in Family Life Education. School and community-based personnel as well as other parents are encouraged to participate in workshops that outline the key components of Family Life Education and the role of parents in the program.
Each teacher of Family Life Education is asked to meet with parents of students involved in the program. Provision must be in place for an ongoing review of local curriculum and instructional materials before they are used in the classroom. It is recommended that a resource center containing Family Life Education materials that may be checked out by parents is available in every school.Resources
Botetourt County
Botetourt County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Bristol has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Brunswick County
Brunswick FLE Policy - “The School Board develops and distributes to the parents or guardians of students participating in the FLE program a summary designed to assist them in understanding the program implemented in its school division and to encourage parental guidance and involvement in the instruction of the students. Such information reflects the curricula of the program as taught in the classroom. The following statement is included on the summary: "Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction."
Buchanan County
Buchanan County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Buckingham County
Buckingham County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Buena Vista City
Buena Vista County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Campbell County
Campbell County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Caroline County
Caroline FLE Policy - “The School Board develops and distributes to the parents or guardians of students participating in the FLE program a summary designed to assist them in understanding the program implemented in its school division and to encourage parental guidance and involvement in the instruction of the students. Such information reflects the curricula of the program as taught in the classroom. The following statement is included on the summary: "Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction."
Carroll County
Carroll County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Charles City County
Charles City County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Charlotte County
Charlotte County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Charlottesville City
Charlottesville City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Chesapeake City
Chesapeake FLE Policy - “Some parents may feel that topics involving human sexuality are too personal for presentation in a school setting. Parents have the right to remove their child from this unit or portions of this unit that they find objectionable. Before any of the Family Life units are taught a letter is sent home for parents to make a decision about whether their child will participate in the Family Life Education classes. Please direct any questions about the Family Life Education classes to your child’s principal.”
FLE Content Overview -
“Elementary and intermediate students receive instruction for three days and middle/secondary students receive instruction for a minimum of five days. The Family Life Education unit is offered to students in grades five through nine. Only age-appropriate information will be given in accordance to the grade level.
The school system also offers a Special Needs Family Life Education curriculum. This curriculum is taught in conjunction with the elementary and secondary classes.
The Family Life specialists also present a HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection presentation as a review to all twelfth-grade students. HIV/AIDS is a major health concern in today’s society. To stop the spread of this disease, it is urgent that everyone be educated about HIV/AIDS. This information stresses the importance of this abstinence based program for our graduating seniors. This presentation requires one full class time of instruction. Seniors attend this presentation in their government class.”
Abstinence encouraged
Chesterfield County
Some lessons have the boys and girls separated depending on the content.
Abstinence encouraged
Clarke County
Clarke County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Colonial Beach
Colonial Beach has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Colonial Heights
2020-2021 Information Booklet and Opt-out forms
Covington City
Covington City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Craig County
Craig County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Culpeper County
Elementary - Students learn the difference between good touch, bad touch, and secret touch. A presentation of Hugs and Kisses is performed and used as a teaching tool.
Middle School - “Students learn about human sexuality, reproductive systems, the maturation process, prenatal development, and puberty. Students also discuss peer pressure, development of sexuality as an aspect of total personality, as well as, psychological and social changes during adolescence."
High School - “Students learn about substance abuse, sexually transmitted disease prevention, and making healthy choices. Students continue study on human reproduction including the influence of alcohol/drugs on fetal development.”
Boys and girls are separated in Middle school and High school
Abstinence encouraged
“To review the complete Family Life Education curriculum, you can visit your child’s school or contact Mr. Donovan O’Brien, Curriculum Specialist at (540)825-3677 ext. 3126.”
Cumberland County
Cumberland County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Danville City
Danville City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Dickenson County
Dickenson County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Dinwiddie County
According to Dinwiddie County Public Schools, “Grade level strands will be sent home annually. It is the policy of the Dinwiddie County School Board, with respect to Family Life Education, parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction. Parents/guardians will notify the school division in writing if the student is not to participate in the program. (Opt-Out of Family Life Curriculum)”
Essex County
Essex County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Fairfax City
Fairfax City has no information regarding their FLE ploicy or curriculum listed on their website.
Because the City of Fairfax and Fairfax County have a partnership, see the Fairfax County FLE policies.
Fairfax County
Fairfax administers a “Youth Survey” to 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, which ask intrusive questions that range from alcohol and drug use (6th Grade Survey) to extremely sexually explicit questions (8th, 10th, and 12th Grade surveys). To learn more or to opt-out your child click here.
Fauquier County
Content Overview and Opt-out Forms
Floyd County
Floyd County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Fluvanna County
Franklin County
Frederick County
Frederick County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Fredericksburg City
Fredericksburg City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Galax City
Galax City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Giles County
Giles County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Gloucester County
Gloucester County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Goochland County
Goochland County has outdated and limited information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed in their website.
Grayson County
Grayson County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Greene County
Content Overview
High School (2016)
Abstinence encouraged
Greensville County
Greensville County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Halifax County
Halifax County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Hampton City
Hanover County
Grades K-1 FLE Parent Resource Guide
Grades 2-3 FLE Parent Resource Guide
Grades 4-5 FLE Parent Resource Guide
Grades 6-8 FLE Parent Resource Guide
Grades 9-10 FLE Parent Resource Guide
Abstinence encouraged
Hanover County Public School’s FLE website encourages parent involvement. In addition, the school system holds parent meetings prior to the FLE classes being taught.
Harrisonburg City
Harrisonburg City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Henrico County
4-10 Curriculum
2018-2019 Grades 4-5 FLE Packets
Videos Shown
Just Around the Corner for Girls by Marsh Media
Just Around the Corner for Boys by Marsh Media (note link will only show a clip from the whole video)
Always Changing for Girls by Proctor and Gamble
Always Changing for Boys by Proctor and Gamble
2018 - 2019 Grades 6-8 FLE Packets
Videos Shown
Always Changing and Growing Up - Co-ed by Proctor and Gamble
Straight Talk about Puberty For Boys - by Marsh Media
2018-2019 Grades 9-10 FLE Packets
Videos Shown
Testicular Cancer Detection - by Justin Birckbichler
Breast Cancer Detection - by Dr. Kristi Funk
Boys and Girls separated for sensitive content
Opt-out forms included in packet
Henry County
FLE Policy - “For a detailed description of the Family Life Curriculum and information specific to your child’s grade level, refer to the FAMILY tab found on the HOME page of our Henry County Public Schools website. Parents may also review the objectives, materials, and videos prior to the lessons being taught by contacting Patricia Carter, Family Life Coordinator, For The Children-Partners In Prevention at 276-6381146 or Sue Townes at 276-634-4702.”
Henry County gives parents the option to opt-in, as opposed to opt-out, of FLE. Parents can opt-in when completing their child’s infosnap or fill out the opt-in form and submit to his/her classroom teacher.
Abstinence encouraged
Benefits of adoption as a positive choice in the event of an unwanted pregnancy highlighted.
Highland County
Highland County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Hopewell City
Hopewell City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Isle of Wight County
FLE Policy - “The FLE objectives are taught throughout the school year through many crossover objectives found in other curriculums. Health, social studies, science, and economics are just a few of the courses that cover objectives found in the FLE curriculum.
Parents have the opportunity to view the program materials and videos. Students can be opted out of part or all of the curriculum, although it will be explained to them that the crossover objectives will be taught in their respective areas.
Isle of Wight County Schools has trained their Physical Education teachers to handle the sensitive materials in sex-separated classes once a year. The superintendent sends a letter home, with their child’s grade appropriate objectives, prior to teaching these objectives for the parents to review.”Resources
King and Queen County
King and Queen County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
King George County
King George County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
King William County
King William County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Lancaster County
Lancaster County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Lee County
Lee County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Lexington City
Lexington City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Loudoun County
Abstinence encouraged
Parent and Child Loudoun (A parent’s group in Loudoun, with excellent resources!)
Louisa County
Louisa County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Lunenburg County
Lunenburg County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Lynchburg City
Lynchburg City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Madison County
FLE Policy - “ FLE objectives for each grade level are available for review in the front office of your child’s school. Please review these at your convenience. After reviewing this material, if you do not want your student to participate in the Family Life Education instruction please state this in writing to your student’s principal. Your student’s principal is also available to answer any questions you may have regarding instruction related to FLE.”
Manassas City
Annual Parent Preview Night
Opt-out Form (both English and Spanish)
Manassas Park City
Martinsville City
Martinsville City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Mathews County
Matthews County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Middlesex County
Middlesex County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Montgomery County
Montgomery County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Nelson County
Nelson County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
New Kent County
New Kent County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Newport News City
FLE Policy- “Parents have the right to review the complete FLE curricula, including all supplemental materials used in any FLE program. Copies of the curricula and supplemental materials are available for review in all elementary, middle, and high school media centers.
Parents may remove their child(ren) from any FLE lessons at a particular grade level and alternative, non-FLE lessons will be made available to those students. If a parent chooses to remove their child(ren) from any FLE lessons, the school should be notified in writing.”
FLE Content Overview
Abstinence encouraged
Norfolk City
Norfolk City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Northampton County
Northampton County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Northumberland County
Northumberland County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Norton City
Norton City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Nottoway County
2017-2018 Parent Student Handbook (FLE is discussed on page 6)
Orange County
Orange County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Page County
Page County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Patrick County
Patrick County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Petersburg City
Petersburg City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Pittsylvania County
Pittsylvania County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Poquoson City
Poquoson City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Portsmouth City
Portsmouth City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Powhatan County
Powhatan County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Prince Edward County
Prince Edward County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Prince George County
Prince William County
Abstinence encouraged
Pulaski County
Grades K-8
Abstinence encouraged
Radford City
Radford City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Rappahannock County
Rappahannock County has limited information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Richmond City
FLE Policy (FLE is discussed on page 22)
Richmond City has limited information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Richmond County
Richmond County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Roanoke City
Roanoke City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Roanoke County
Roanoke County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Rockbridge County
Rockbridge County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Rockingham County
Rockingham County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Russell County
Russell County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Salem City
Scott County
Scott County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Shenandoah County
Grades 4-9
Grade 4 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Grade 5 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Grade 6 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Grade 7 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Grade 8 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Grade 9 FLE Curricula (last revised 2015)
Abstinence encouraged
Smyth County
Grades K-10
Abstinence encouraged
Southampton County
Southampton County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Spotsylvania County
2018 Video Guides
Various Grades (videos and downloadable PDFs in both English and Spanish)
Abstinence encouraged
Stafford County
Abstinence encouraged
Staunton City
Staunton City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Suffolk City
“Parents have the option to withdraw their child from any part or all of the Family Life Education Program through an opt-out procedure. An opt-out form is available at each of the Suffolk Public Schools. If one elects to opt his/her child out of the program, it will be necessary to follow these guidelines:
Review the Family Life Education Program
Contact the School to View Materials.
Complete the opt-out form, available at the child's school, listing the objectives from which the child will be opted out.
Return the completed opt out form with parent signature to the school.”
Abstinence encouraged
Surry County
Surry County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Sussex County
Sussex County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Tazewell County
Tazewell FLE Policy
“The School Board develops and distributes to the parents or guardians of students participating in the FLE program a summary designed to assist them in understanding the program implemented in its school division and to encourage parental guidance and involvement in the
instruction of the students. Such information reflects the curricula of the program as taught in the classroom. The following statement is included on the summary: "Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction."Resources
Virginia Beach City
Content Overview and Curriculum (for select grade levels)
2018 Grade 2 FLE Curriculum
2018 Grade 5 FLE Curriculum
Lesson 1 Boys Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 1 Girls Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 3 Overview
2018 Grade 6 FLE Curriculum
Lesson 1 Female Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 1 Male Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Female Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Male Only Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 3 Overview and PowerPoint
2018 Grade 7 FLE Curriculum
Lesson 1 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Overview
2018 Grade 9 FLE Curriculum
Lesson 1 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 3 Overview and PowerPoint
2018 Grade 10 FLE Curriculum
Lesson 1 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 2 Overview and PowerPoint
Lesson 3 Overview
Abstinence encouraged
Warren County
FLE Content Overview
Abstinence encouraged
Washington County
Content Overview and Opt-out Forms
Abstinence encouraged
West Point
West Point has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Westmoreland County
Westmoreland County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Williamsburg - James City County
“Complete curriculum with descriptive statements is available at the
parent link: www.wjccschools.org, in your school’s media center, and
public libraries”
Abstinence encouraged
Winchester City
Winchester City has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Wise County
Wise County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
Wythe County
Wythe County has no information regarding their FLE policy or curriculum listed on their website.
York County
Abstinence encouraged
Benefits of marriage highlighted
Additional Information
Virginia Department of Education Guidelines and Standards of Learning (2020)
Note: “The 1999 Virginia General Assembly amended Section 22.1-207 of the Code of Virginia and added ‘abstinence education’ as a Family Life Education instructional topic to the content areas identified in 1987: ‘family living and community relationships, the value of postponing sexual activity, human sexuality, human reproduction, and the etiology, prevention and effects of sexually transmitted diseases.’”