Gender and Human Design
Every person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God with purpose and intention. Each person’s gender beautifully expresses either male or female as God created them. And though every person’s identity is different and race varies, we are all made by the same Creator and loved equally. One of the greatest commandments given by God is to love one another. The Family Foundation opposes ideology that seeks to destroy or harm God’s design for a person and for mankind. We support principles and policies that lead instead to human flourishing and oppose any that sow division among people and races.
Fighting the false ideology of “transgenderism” in our schools and workplace | “Transgenderism” seeks to answer the problem of gender dysphoria by affirming a person’s gender confusion, but this causes more harm than good. Studies show that people who attempt to transition to the opposite sex are more depressed and suicidal than those that seek talk therapy. When necessary, we take the fight to the courts. The Family Foundation’s legal arm, Founding Freedoms Law Center, recently filed a lawsuit against the Virginia Department of Education’s Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students. This false view of gender and sex cannot be forced on all people, undermining parents and compelling speech.
Supporting conscience clauses for religious adoption agencies and therapists | In 2020, the legislative majority not only repealed conscience protections for talk therapists helping adults and children through their gender dysphoria but also banned it entirely. In 2020 and 2021, the majority party also attempted to repeal conscience protections for religious adoption agencies, which would have forced them to place children with same-sex couples or close down entirely. Thankfully this effort was defeated both times, and The Family Foundation won’t rest until the measure is never brought forward again. Even with the defeat of the talk therapy ban, TFF isn’t giving up in the fight. A repeal is never the end.
Combating Critical Race Theory in our public schools | At its heart, CRT is a philosophy that views the problem of racism as a power struggle between collective groups of people and societal systems. As a result, CRT proponents often resort to a purist type of argument that everything about American history and our society is implicitly racist and that the world is basically divided up into oppressors and the oppressed. CRT is the opposite of Christ’s redemptive message and instead seeks to destroy society by pitting races against one another. The Family Foundation is actively pushing back against this harmful ideology.
As these destructive ideologies become more invasive and dominate facets of our everyday life, it becomes more important to be able to engage people in discussing these ideologies and why they do more harm than good. However, these can be very difficult conversations to have, and that is why The Family Foundation offers Speak Up! Tips to help you navigate these waters. Check out the informative videos and tips below to better equip you to take action in your community!
How Transgender Politics in Schools Hurt VA Kids and Families
Check out all the latest tips plus videos on Human Design issues here!
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