Founding principles like religious freedom, individual liberty, and limited government, can all be traced back to Virginia’s historic past. Great thinkers and leaders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry helped articulate these founding principles, which would ultimately become the foundation for America’s governing documents. At the core of our founding principles is a reliance upon religion and morality.
“[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue”
“The liberty enjoyed by the people of these States of worshipping Almighty God, agreeable to their consciences is not only among the choicest of their blessings but also of their rights.”
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
Historically, Virginia has been a state with strong family values and fiscal responsibility, making it one of the most desirable states in which to live and raise a family. Sadly, too many political leaders at the state and local levels of government have lost focus of our founding principles, which has resulted in a number of legislative and executive actions that violate our freedoms and are dramatically changing the culture of Virginia.
For this reason, The Family Foundation is championing a renewed Vision for Virginia where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society can flourish, and it is our hope that people will embrace the vision and its foundational principles.
You can also view a version of the 10 founding principles HERE that highlight the biblical significance of each principle.
Here's what you can do to help spread the word about this revitalized vision:
1) If you agree with the statements listed in this vision, and you would like to show your support, please add your name to this Vision for Virginia, much like how John Hancock (and 7 Virginians) boldly signed the Declaration of Independence. (Your information will remain confidential, and will not be shared with anyone.)
2) Download and share this document with your friends and neighbors, and encourage them show their support for these principles.
It’s time for a renewed Vision for Virginia!