A.G. Herring Asks HHS to Allow Vaccine Research With Aborted Fetal Tissue

As nearly everyone's attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, Virginia’s Attorney General, Mark Herring, has been busy pushing more anti-life policies on behalf of all Virginians.

We recently told you about how Herring signed onto a letter with other state Attorneys General urging the FDA to allow telemed abortions so women in Virginia could get abortion drugs without even leaving their couch. Read our blog: Mark Herring Pushes For Abortions Via Zoom! (In response, TFF, along with 31 other state “Family Policy Councils” sent a letter of our own urging the opposite.)

Well, come to find out, Herring also signed onto a similar letter with 14 other Attorneys General asking the federal government to allow tissue from aborted babies to be used in research for a vaccine for COVID-19! Read the letter here. Here’s a snippet:

We write to you out of concern that the current Fetal Tissue Ban that took effect in June 2019 is hampering our Nation’s ability to address COVID-19. Scientists at the National Institutes of Health working on potential therapies for COVID-19 have been appealing to this administration for permission to work with fetal tissue, arguing that this pandemic warrants an exemption to your Ban.1 We urge you to grant their request and end the Ban.

Allowing our Nation’s scientists to use fetal tissue can help accelerate vaccine development to combat COVID-19...

Despite the fact that dozens of companies are working around the clock to come up with and test a vaccine for this novel coronavirus, these folks seem to be just fixated on finding new ways to justify killing innocent pre-born babies. Maybe the reason is to assuage their guilty consciences from the evils of this practice, or perhaps more likely it's to drive up demand for abortions resulting in greater profits from both the procedures and the harvesting of the fetal tissue. One can but speculate.

But what is clear is that these 15 state Attorneys General and the “scientists” at the National Institutes of Health have absolutely no qualms with trying to create a COVID-19 vaccine with aborted fetal cell lines in it, obviously with the goal of offering it to every American.

What is also certain is that vaccines can be created without using fetal cell lines, and the bodies of aborted children are not necessary for medical research and advancements. (See Live Action’s article: The truth about COVID-19 vaccines, cells from aborted children, and ‘fetal tissue’ research)

While it is yet to be seen whether governments will mandate such a vaccine for every person, one has to consider it a very real plausibility. But this will especially become a problem if the final vaccine is infused with parts of children that were killed by abortion.  

We should be very grateful for President Trump’s Fetal Tissue Ban that went into effect in June of 2019 to help avoid the ethical conundrum of conflating abortion and vaccine research. Seeing an opportunity with a pandemic to tear down this life-affirming policy, our Attorney General is never one to miss that chance. Let us pray he is not successful. Stay tuned for more on this.  


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