Heard About the Loudoun Mafia?

What is happening in Loudoun County, Virginia, seems like something straight out of the early 20th century when mafias led by notorious criminals like Al Capone and Charles “Lucky” Luciano acted as an extension of local governments and terrorized the citizens of Chicago and New York.

A group known as the “Loudoun Love Warriors” secretly conspired in a group chat against Christian and conservative Loudoun County residents simply because of their public opposition to mandated LGBTQ and “equity” teachings in schools.  The group allegedly intimidated them online, caused at least one to lose his job by writing to his employer, revealed their home addresses, and even made death threats against some.  While they plotted against Christians and conservatives in general, it appears their primary target was Mark Winn, who cited the Bible verse “If any man or woman causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for a millstone to be put around your neck and thrown into the lake.” (Matthew 18:6)

One of the group chat administrators, Andrew Pihonak, a former campaign staffer for county prosecutor Buta Biberaj, whose campaign was funded by George Soros, initiated a petition in 2022 to categorize biblical references as "hate speech" and ban such references at future school board meetings.  From there, members of the group began making violent threats against Winn and other residents in the group chat, such as: 

"Lives needs to be ruined beyond repair,"

 "Lets actually destroy them. Grind them,"

 “Someone gonna get hurt on their side and I hope I get to do it. I’m sooo ready to show up with guns lol,”

 “It might be worth an assault charge to [expletive] slap that guy next time I see him.”

It is our understanding according to one report that a real estate agent and former teacher, Kristine Condie, may have used her access to housing database to share Winn’s address with the group, and even worked with Pihonak to try to get him fired from his job. 

Several people in this dangerous group, according to online messages provided by a whistleblower, are connected to Loudoun local government officials – including the Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, County Supervisors Juli Briskman and Chair Phyllis Randall, School Board Chair Ian Serotkin, school board members Brenda Sheridan, Atoosa Reaser, and Erika Ogedegbe, school board candidate Anne Donohue, and sheriff candidate Craig Buckley.

Loudoun County, despite being one of the wealthiest counties in the country, has become a place where government officials and radical fringe groups are seeking to strip citizens of basic freedoms like speaking out against bad policies or restricting access to government meetings. 

In light of this, our Founding Freedoms Law Center stepped in to defend Jon Tigges after he was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing simply for remaining in the Loudoun school board public meeting room after the superintendent tried to unlawfully remove everyone from the room. After going head-to-head at trial with CA Buta Biberaj, we got a “not guilty” verdict. Then we sued the Loudoun County School Board for unlawfully kicking all the parents out of the room and continuing with their meeting, and we won.

It is clear that our society is out of control, with vigilante groups who proclaim to be loving and tolerant, like Loudoun Love Warriors, but who turn out to be more vindictive and violent then even groups like Antifa.  Most of all, it shows that that they cannot win on the merits of their arguments but must resort to using intimidation and force to advance their agenda.

Please know that at The Family Foundation and the Founding Freedoms Law Center we are working in the legislature and the courts to defend your fundamental rights to free speech and religious liberty. We appreciate your continued support!


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