Don’t Mandate a COVID-19 Vaccine!

On Friday the State Health Commissioner, Dr. Norman Oliver, stated during an interview that under a public health emergency, he has the authority to require certain immunizations, and that he plans to mandate every Virginian to receive a COVID-19 vaccine once one is available to the public, without even allowing for religious exemptions.  We cannot overstate how significant a threat to individual liberty this would be and how much this will undermine the right of parents to determine the proper healthcare for their children.

Given the recent Executive orders related to the coronavirus that have limited basic liberties, we must take this threat seriously.  That’s why it’s vital that we tell our state representatives and Governor Northam TODAY that we are vehemently opposed to any mandated immunization which violates our rights to make important choices about our own healthcare.

Tell Governor Northam and your State Representatives NOT to mandate a COVID-19 Immunization

When the House of Delegates [hopefully] begins conducting committee hearings this week, it’s critical that they consider HB 5016  (R-Cole).  This bill would prevent the Commissioner from forcing Virginians – including children – to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if or when one is developed, when there are religious objections.  Under no circumstances should one government official be given such overreaching power to violate the individual freedoms of millions of Virginians.

Since March, the Governor has been using this public health emergency and the coronavirus to make broad-sweeping policies without any legislative approval.  These policies have have hindered individual liberties and caused the public to be fearful of criminal charges for noncompliance.  Now he intends to allow the Commissioner to force an immunization requirement on every citizen regardless of their personal preferences.  

This use of power must not go unchallenged, which is why our Founding Freedoms Law Center will be prepared to defend these rights if such a vaccine is mandated without reasonable exemptions.

It’s time for Governor Northam to start respecting the constitutional rights of Virginians!

Tell Governor Northam and your State Representatives NOT to mandate a COVID-19 Immunization and to give HB 5016 a fair hearing


Update on Snitch State: Still Surveilling Churches!


Bills to Limit Northam’s Emergency Powers – Vote Tomorrow!