Action Alert: VDOE Pushing “CRT” on Teachers!

The Virginia Department of Education drafted a guidance document on “cultural competency” training for licensed school personnel, and it relies on work that clearly promotes core teachings of Critical Race Theory! The guidance document is open to public comment through January 5, 2022, on the Virginia Town Hall website. Click on the image below to urge VDOE NOT to approve this guidance!

In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly Session passed Senate Bill 1196 (D -Locke) and House Bill 1904 (D-Jenkins)  which requires teachers and other licensed school personnel to undergo so-called “cultural competency” training to receive a teaching license and every two years for license renewal. Now the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has drafted a guidance document -- Guidance on Cultural Competency Training for Teachers and Other Licensed School Board Employees in Virginia Public Schools -- for local school boards to use.

The guidance document cites as one of its primary sources Vernita Mayfield’s Cultural Competence Now: 56 Exercises to Help Educators Understand and Challenge Bias, Racism, and Privilege, which promotes being “aware of privilege and bias” and “reviewing the school’s mission through race.”  In fact, the guidance being proposed by VDOE, which relies heavily on this work, requires minimum standards of self-reflection on “one’s own beliefs” and their “impact on educational decisions.” This guidance is clearly pushing a set of beliefs and values on schools, teachers, and administrators that will inevitably make its way into the classroom and be taught to children.

ACTION: Click HERE to make your voice heard and let the VDOE know that you do not approve of this vehicle for core teachings of Critical Race Theory to be taught to children!  Remember, the comment period closes on January 5, 2022! 


Pre-Session Preview Part 1: Parental Rights and Education


Parent’s Bill of Rights