VA March Against Forced COVID-19 Vaccine!

If you’re looking for a great opportunity to stand in solidarity with like-minded moms, dads, and citizens across Virginia who oppose overreaching state mandates including a forced COVID-19 vaccine (VA became the first state to say it would mandate a COVID vaccine), then I encourage you to attend the March against Mandates this Wednesday, September 2nd organized by Virginia Freedom Keepers.

Click on the image below to Register for this FREE event.

Recently, the State Health Commissioner, Dr. Norman Oliver, commented during an interview that he intends to use his emergency powers to force every Virginian to receive a COVID-19 vaccine when one becomes available.  The national media attention and no doubt a huge response from thousands of outraged Virginians prompted Governor Northam to issue a statement that he does not currently intend to mandate a vaccine, but that he has taken no official policy position on whether the vaccine for adults should be mandatory.

However, this didn’t stop a Democrat-controlled House Committee from killing two bills – HB 5016 (R-Cole) and HB 5070 (R-LaRock) – on a party-line vote that would’ve offered a way for someone with a sincere religious objection to be exempt from any Covid-19 vaccine mandate.  In fact, a representative from the administration attended the meeting and expressed opposition to this legislation!  (You can read all about this in our blog: House Committee Rejects Religious Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines!)

Not only did the committee reject legislation that would’ve provided a religious exemption, but they also shot down HB 5082 (R-LaRock).  This bill would’ve ensured that Virginia didn’t mandate a COVID-19 vaccine if it is derived from human fetal tissue, changes the RNA or DNA of a person, or was not first tested on laboratory animals before being tested on humans.  It's extremely chilling that House Democrats are perfectly fine with mandating a vaccine with those qualities on all Virginians.

We must not allow elected or appointed government officials to bully citizens into receiving an unproven vaccine against their conscience, especially when the Center for Disease Control (CDC) just released a report showing that 94% of alleged deaths attributed to COVID-19 involved other underlying medical conditions.

This Wednesday’s March against Mandates is another opportunity to voice your dissent to government overreach, including mandated vaccines in Virginia.


Trump Administration’s Pro-Life Victories


House Committee Rejects Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates!