Meet Our Summer Interns: Emma Dayton!

Summer at The Family Foundation means welcoming summer interns! On Saturday mornings, we will introduce a new Family Foundation or Family Foundation Action intern by releasing a bio written by one of their classmates. Be on the lookout for new blogs and social media posts to catch a glimpse of the great work they are doing!

Today, we are excited to introduce our first intern, Emma Dayton!

Emma is currently a sophomore at Liberty University studying Government: Politics and Policy and is minoring in Journalism. She is a native Virginian and grew up in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Growing up, Emma loved to read and play the piano and trumpet. Her favorite books are mysteries as she started young with a very special set of Nancy Drew books, passed down from her mother; and her Nana completed what was missing from the original set.

Emma enjoys a challenge. She loves to hike, especially in the national parks in Utah with her two dogs Cody and Ivy. Along with hiking physical mountains, Emma has proven her drive and resilience throughout her academic life climbing what some may call metaphorical mountains. A moment Emma described as pushing her was working throughout high school taking college courses and graduating as Grace Christian School’s Class of 2022 Valedictorian. Her academic achievements enabled her to continue her education in Liberty’s honors program.

Emma’s passion for government is inspired by her interest in American history. Part of what drove her to enter the field was the Founding Fathers’ vision for America. She is honored to even play a small part in their vision for America and their roots in Biblical principles. She was driven further in this direction in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emma remembers watching the news and realizing one must be firm in their beliefs and speak up because no one is going to speak up for you. During that time, she loved to sit with her family to watch Tucker Carlson. She still misses him on the nightly news.

Emma decided to intern at The Family Foundation because she felt drawn toward their vision. She wanted to be a part of an organization that was actively speaking up for life, family, and faith. She said they demonstrated what she believed to be the Founders’ vision, and she saw it as an opportunity to achieve her dream of playing her part in that vision. She is happy to be working at an organization founded on Truth and Biblical principles. And The Family Foundation is happy to have her! After her education, she hopes to continue to advance her dream of blending politics and journalism. She says this could look like being a political journalist, working in grassroots politics, or even running for state government! But wherever she goes, it will be where she feels the Lord has led her.

With so much love for the Lord and politics, Emma said her favorite verse is Matthew 6:25-26, which says, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Emma says this verse helps her keep things in perspective. It can be overwhelming advocating for Biblical principles in a culture that is rearing against you, but when Emma thinks of this verse, she is reminded of the Lord’s care and protection. The Family Foundation is so grateful to have such a faithful and driven intern!


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