Abortion: It Really Is a Religion

Conservative Christians and the pro-life movement have argued that for many advocates of unrestricted abortion it’s more than an ideology – it’s a religion!  At the very core of the progressive left is a religious fanaticism and obsession about abortion that demands an all or nothing mindset from its followers.

In fact, Planned Parenthood has its own “Clergy” Advocacy Board – false teachers – which, according to its website, is supposedly “comprised of diverse faith leaders from all over the nation.” This particular board, which has been in existence since 1994, has spearheaded a nationwide effort to convince (or manipulate) people into believing that there’s somehow a theological and moral basis for abortion.

This advisory board is so important to them they announced in a news release the names of new additions to this so-called “Clergy” Advocacy Board, which include:

The Rev. Emily Harden, West Virginia (Presbyterian Church, USA)

The Rev. Tim Kutzmark, California (Unitarian Universalist Church)

Rabbi Sarah Smiley, Kansas

The Rev. Katey Zeh, North Carolina (Baptist)

The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters, North Carolina (Presbyterian Church, USA)

The Rev. Elle Dowd, Illinois (Evangelical Lutheran Church)

The Rev. Elise Saulsberry, Tennessee

The Rev. Latishia James-Portis, Georgia

The Rev. Stephen Griffith, Nebraska (Lutheran Church)

The news release even commends newly elected U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), senior pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church —who has given his support for abortion, which has claimed the lives of 61.8 million babies since 1973, using twisted Biblical reasoning. During an interview he is quoted as having said: “I’ve been focused on women’s health, women’s choice and reproductive justice…That is consistent with my view as a Christian minister, and I will fight for it.”

But clergymen supporting unrestricted abortion isn’t limited to just the Senator from Georgia. Here in Virginia, during the 2019 elections, Delegate Joshua Cole (D), a pastor in Fredericksburg, tweeted this: “By ensuring continued funding for Planned Parenthood which provides STI screenings, trans-healthcare, & family planning. I will fight against any attempts to criminalize abortion. I trust women, and always will.”

Delegate Luke Torian (D-Prince William), is another ordained minister serving in Virginia’s House of Delegates, who’s received a 100% pro-choice rating from 2012 to 2018 by the pro-abortion organization NARAL.

Let’s be clear: the Bible unequivocally proclaims that the sanctity of human life must be cherished and protected. In Psalm 139, we read that God knit us together in our mother’s womb, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God’s eyes saw our unformed bodies.  There is also Jeremiah 1:5, which proclaims, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

The fact that Planned Parenthood is willing to promote such a gross false teaching about the sanctity of life further demonstrates how far we’ve deviated from God’s principles regarding life, which have in many cases transcended religious or secular viewpoints for centuries.

This is an appalling and a flagrant thumbing of the nose (to put it politely) to every Bible-believing Christian who’s pro-life, and it’s critically important we reject any attempt to justify theologically or morally the abhorrent practice of abortion.


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