Bills to Stop Sex Text Hotline Up Tomorrow

Tomorrow (January 26), the Senate Education and Health (E&H) committee will be voting on SB 1235 (R-Peake) and the House Health, Welfare, and Institutions (HWI) will be voting on HB 2084 (R-Byron), identical bills that would put an end to the Virginia Department of Health’s Teen Sex Text Hotline and other dangerous programs that involve contacting children without parents’ consent or knowledge.

Note: SB 1235 was heard in an earlier Senate E&H meeting, but to save the bill from being defeated it was passed by for the week in order to address some of the concerns that were raised.  You have another opportunity to urge your Senator on that committee to Support SB 1235.

Click HERE to contact your Delegate and Senator and urge them to SUPPORT SB 1235 and HB 2084

During the recent Special Session, Senator Steve Newman (R-Bedford) introduced a budget amendment to prohibit the funding of the program, but it was defeated on a party-line vote.  In the debate that ensued, Sen. Dunnavant (R-Henrico) noted:

“The discernment of the parents was taken from them and given not only to a state agency, but instead to another organization that has no regulation or responsibility to Virginia.”

Delegate Kathy Byron (R-Bedford) brought a similar budget amendment in the House, but it was defeated without any debate.

SB 1235 and HB 2084 would protect vulnerable children by prohibiting the Virginia Department of Health or local department, and any entity it contracts with, from initiating communications regarding health-related matters with a minor without the knowledge and consent of the minor's parent.

Click HERE to contact your Delegate and Senator and urge them to SUPPORT SB1235 and HB 2084


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