Call it what it is: Indoctrination not Education!

Even as they are in the midst of battling socialistic indoctrination through critical race theory in their schools, parents in Loudoun County have learned their school board is opening the door to yet more social experimentation—this time in the form of transgender advocacy:

The Loudoun County Public School Board is preparing to adopt a new policy that incorporates components of the Virginia Department of Education’s mandated Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students. 

This is the latest development in our state government’s attempt to force every single K-12 school in Virginia—regardless of whether local communities think it best serves their children—to adopt a radicalized form of transgender advocacy into every component of school life, starting at the youngest grade levels. The pressure on local schools to adopt this is kicking into high gear. And don’t assume this is going to end with places like Fairfax and Loudoun. Even conservative and rural areas are coming under heavy pressure to adopt this invasive policy.

What you can do:

  1. If you are in Loudoun County, submit a comment while there is still time:

Policy 8040 – Rights of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Students—which is currently before a school board committee (Pupil Services Committee) before going to the full board – creates a more hostile learning environment for staff and students who disagree with the “transgender” ideology. If approved, all staff and students can be compelled to use certain speech (such as ‘gender neutral pronouns’), and if they exercise their constitutional right to avoid saying something that violates their conscience, they would likely be subject to disciplinary action by the school. The policy also permits biological males to enter, “without any substantiating evidence,” a female locker room or bathroom, which leads to a serious violation of privacy rights and the creation of an unsafe environment.  The proposed Policy 8040 also gives the Superintendent broad latitude in creating school regulations and procedures that will inevitably lead to more outrageous requirements that faculty, staff and students must follow.

The deadline to submit comments to the Pupil Services Committee members is May 20, 2021.  Please also take a moment to email your School Board member to express your opposition to these misguided policies. (Click HERE for a list of board member and superintendent emails.)

  1. Something all Virginians statewide can do now: Join the #ProtectEveryKid movement and share these key resources with your school board.

You don’t have to stay silent and wait for this to come to your school before taking action. Start now:

  1. Go to the Protect Every Kid website and add your voice to this important statewide movement to stand behind parents and school board members who want to protect their children’s minds, bodies and hearts, as well as receive soon-to-be released equipping tools to make your voice heard.

  2. Share these key resources with your school board:

  • Top 5 Offensive Mandates (Provides screenshots from the actual policy on transgender issues being mandated by the Department of Education. The screenshots make clear how the policy puts local school boards and administrators in grave danger of violating key constitutional principles.)

  • The Legal Advisory” with your school board member. (Advises school board members that lawsuits have been filed against the Virginia Department of Education challenging procedural and constitutional defects in this policy.)

For tips on what to say when sharing these resources with school board members, visit #protecteverykid.

Remember—we are stronger when we speak together!


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