Va Dept. of Health is at it Again!

Once again the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is promoting instructional material that contains links to websites that are peddling objectionable and lewd content - this time to school administrators, school nurses, teachers, and other school personnel, who in turn can share the materials with children attending public schools.

On Monday, a 30-day public comment period began for VDH’s revised 500+ page Virginia School Health Guidelines, Third Edition (2021).

The VDH collaborated with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to revise these guidelines, which are intended to be used by school and public health personnel to develop local programs and policies related to school health.  However, it appears that at least some parts of these guidelines are actually being used to promote lewd and other sex education topics that are meant for parents to discuss with their children.

Included among the “Sexual Health” resources is a link to the website for Advocates for Youth Advocates for Children and Youth, which promotes campaigns like “Abortion Out Loud” and “Free the Pill Youth Council”; offers resources for abortion access; and provides an animated video series called “Amaze” aimed at young kids that talks about issues like abortion, sex, sexuality, and sexual identity - all topics that should be reserved for parents. Click on the image below to watch one of the videos that encourages visiting Planned Parenthood for an unplanned pregnancy, AND says "be aware there are some clinics that trick women into coming to them for pregnancy options and counseling," i.e., pro-life pregnancy centers.

Here is what we are asking you to do:

  1. Go to the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall HERE and then click on "Enter a comment."

  2. In the “Comment Subject/Title” enter an appropriate title like “Remove links to websites with offensive content” or “Remove links to websites that undermine parental rights”

  3. In the comments box:

Urge VDH to remove from Virginia School Health Guidelines the Advocates for Youth website, and any other links that provide content on abortion access, sexuality, gender identity and other related topics that should be discussed with parents.

Tell VDH that you disapprove of the offensive websites that promotes campaigns like “Abortion Out Loud” and “Free the Pill Youth Council”; offers resources for abortion access; and provides an animated video series aimed at young kids that talks about issues like abortion, sex, sexuality, and sexual identity, which should be reserved parents.

And remind the VDH that they cannot promote materials and resources of a sexual nature that could be shared with a child without parental knowledge, and undermine a parent's right to direct the health and education of their children.

When you are finished, click "Submit" in the lower left corner.

It will take a lot of work to undo the hypersexualized agenda of the prior governor from being implemented by unelected bureaucrats, but it begins with you voicing your concerns!


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