Yes, Terry, Parents SHOULD Be Involved!

Your outcry against liberal school boards' efforts to politicize and sexualize our local schools is having an undeniable impact—so much so, that it was a key topic in the recent Governor's debate!  When Glenn Youngkin, the Republican candidate, reminded the audience that his opponent, Terry  McAuliffe, repeatedly vetoed policies that would have informed parents if their kids were being exposed to sexually explicit material, McAuliffe responded with this defense:

 “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

This attitude is clearly embraced by liberal school boards across the state who are insisting on ignoring parents' persistent outcry. It's time for the next step to hold these schools accountable! Below are two actions you can take now:

  • We can work together to hold Virginia public schools accountable by documenting your stories! Take a moment to complete or share our School Incident Report form if you, or someone you know, has had their safety or core rights threatened at school.

  • Be proactive! Keep your eye on school board actions and be aware of what's happening in the classrooms. To help equip you, the Founding Freedoms Law Center now has a Parental Opt-Out Notice for “LGBTQ+” Curriculum in Virginia Schools for parents to give to school administrators.

Please share the School Incident Report (at with as many people in your community as possible! This allows us to work together to hold schools accountable by sharing our stories and taking grassroots and legal action when appropriate! Thank you for joining the movement to #protecteverykid and speak up together!


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