Action Alert: Major Abortion Bill 0 Full House and Senate Vote Tomorrow!

HB 980 and SB 733, which are dream bills for Planned Parenthood that endanger women and guarantee more abortions, have passed through their committees and now move to their respective Floors for a full vote TOMORROW, January 28th.

Please contact your Delegate and Senator NOW and urge them to Oppose these pro-abortion bills!

HB 980 (D-Herring) and  SB 733 (D-McClellan), if passed, will do all of  the following:

  • Allow almost anyone – not just physicians – to perform abortions, including physician's assistants, nurse practitioners and even midwives

  • Eliminate virtually all requirements of informed consent prior to an abortion, including providing written educational materials which describe a "full, reasonable and comprehensible medical explanation of the nature, benefits, and risks of and alternatives to the proposed procedures or protocols" and "An instruction that the woman may withdraw her consent at any time prior to the performance of the procedure"

  • Eliminate the requirement for an ultrasound before performing an abortion so that the mother has the opportunity to see her baby’s image and hear her baby’s heartbeat

  • Remove the 24 hour wait period between the ultrasound and abortion (which paves the way for abuse and coerced abortions)

  • Eliminate ALL health and safety regulations and oversight from the state’s abortion centers that have proven so very necessary. They will have no accountability without these.

  • Remove any civil penalties for an abortionist who has failed to do these things

CLICK HERE now to contact your Delegate and Senator and urge them to stand for life and vote against these terrible bills!


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