The Numbers Don’t Lie: Deregulation of the Abortion Industry Means More Abortions

As many people follow closely the daily COVID-19 updates on confirmed cases and death rates, and the policies aimed at trying to prevent the spread of the virus, the real tragedy is being overlooked as thousands of unborn babies are lost to the horrific practice of abortion.

It wasn’t long ago (September 2019) that the Guttmacher Institute – a left-wing organization that advocates abortion– released a nationwide report revealing that Virginia, more than almost any other state, had the steepest drop in the number of abortions between 2011 and 2017.  While the Guttmacher Institute attempted to dismiss the possibility that state health and safety requirements for abortion centers had anything to do with the decline, we all know that these laws have been major factor.  In fact, the data in Virginia doesn’t lie.

Since 1985, The Family Foundation has fought valiantly to protect the lives of innocent unborn babies from the horrific practice of abortion and to make sure that mothers who do make the unfortunate choice to have an abortion are at least afforded some basic protections.  The fruits of our advocacy include tremendous legislative achievements like parental notification before a minor can have an abortion (1997), health and safety standards and oversight for abortion centers (2011), and the ultrasound requirement – a “window into the womb” – prior to an abortion (2012). 

And with each victory we watched as the number of abortions and abortion centers started to decline, and quite dramatically once the ultrasound requirement was put in place. Between 2011 and 2017 the number of abortions declined by 32%, unquestionably as a result of the ultrasound requirement and the abortion center regulations.  During this time span we also watched as the total number of abortion facilities in Virginia dropped from 20 to 15, including the infamous “Virginia Health Group” facility which was cited by the Virginia Department of Health for 26 deficiencies.

But in one fell swoop this session the pro-abortion majority in the General Assembly passed legislation (HB 980, D-Herring and SB 733, D-McClellan) ensuring unborn death rates will once again escalate by erasing decade’s worth of legislation aimed at protecting the unborn and women.  Specifically, this legislation removes basic health and safety regulations for abortion facilities, allow nurse practitioners and midwives to conduct invasive abortion procedures, rolls back building safety standards in abortion clinics that are required of other outpatient facilities, eliminates virtually all requirements of informed consent prior to an abortion including an ultrasound, and eliminates the 24-hour waiting period between viewing the ultrasound and having the abortion.

There’s no doubt the repeal of these basic health and safety standards will turn Virginia into a safe-haven for rogue abortionists who’ll put the lives of women at risk all in the name of convenience and higher profit margins.

If there’s anything we’ve learned from this COVID-19 health crisis, it’s how critically important well-prepared and managed healthcare facilities with properly trained physicians are for treating patients and saving lives.  But that seems to be a lesson lost on pro-abortion lawmakers—they’re willing to subject women to unsafe and unsanitary conditions or allow inexperienced nurse practitioners to perform abortions, which only jeopardize women’s’ health and safety— all just to increase abortions and profits for their giant campaign financers like Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List.  Women deserve, at a minimum, the assurance that an abortion facility is both sanitary and equipped to handle major medical emergencies.

It’s also interesting that throughout this COVID-19 crisis we’ve been inundated with “Breaking Coronavirus News and Updates,” that has at least been somewhat informative for the public.  In the same way daily coronavirus updates are provided, it would make sense that a woman considering an abortion be given all the information about the procedure, including its health risks and the opportunity to view the ultrasound, as part of the basic medical standard of informed consent. Apparently Gov. Northam, a pediatric neurologist, doesn’t mind providing the public with coronavirus updates, but feels women who seek an abortion shouldn’t be given any basic information at any point during the decision-making process. 

What happened this session was truly devastating and a sad moment in Virginia’s history, even so we cannot stop speaking up for life. We cannot dwell on the past and let our guard down because the abortion industry is not finished advancing their agenda.  They’re already laying the groundwork to amend the state constitution to add “reproductive rights,” eliminate parental consent, and force most insurance providers to cover “reproductive” healthcare costs.  In fact, the House Committee on Health, Welfare, and Institutions has already held a virtual meeting this summer to discuss specific legislation (HB 1445, D-Price) that would expand coverage to cover the costs of specified health care services, drugs, devices, products, and procedures related to reproductive health, even for biological males who identify as a female. (You can listen to that meeting HERE.)

So, what will the abortion numbers look like in Virginia in coming years?  Frankly, an uptick is unavoidable, and a return to the numbers we saw prior to the abortion center regulations may soon be in Virginia’s future.  But it doesn’t have to be that way because every mother considering an abortion who can be convinced that the life living within her is complete with unique human qualities and potential that our Creator designed, means that two lives have been saved. 

The pro-life movement in Virginia has experienced more setbacks recently than one can honestly tolerate, but that should never compel us to leave the public arena and stop pressing forward.  All human life that’s been formed by our Creator is precious and must be protected, and for that reason we must never, ever give up hope.


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