Intern Spotlight: Josiah Beahm

This summer, we are excited to have eight interns working with us in policy, law, grassroots, intercessory prayer, media, IT and election campaigns. Since their start date on June 1st, they have already contributed valuable work that advances the mission of The Family Foundation. In addition to their normal responsibilities, they also participate in our weekly EQUIP Worldview Academy for high school seniors and college-age students.

For the duration of our internship program, we will release a bio of each intern, written by one of their fellow interns, so you can get to know The Family Foundation Intern Class of 2021. Today's bio was written by our policy intern Connor Thomas.


This week we are introducing policy intern Josiah Beahm. 

Born and raised in Fauquier County, Virginia, Josiah grew up as a genuine farmer’s boy as he lived on a dairy farm until he was 18. From being chased by a bull at the age of 7, to undergoing surgery and being hospitalized for 5 days due to stepping on a rusty nail when he was only 10 years old, the farmer’s life has always had its challenges. However, throughout his day to day chores of watching the cows and tending to the sick farm animals, Josiah always kept a positive attitude. 

Josiah currently attends Liberty University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Government with a concentration in politics and policy. With his sister graduating from Liberty in 2012, he was already familiar and quite fond of the school; furthermore, he really appreciated the combination of an advanced School of Government with a Christian Worldview that Liberty University offers. Josiah intends to take the LSAT this August with the hopes of continuing his education at Liberty’s Law school. 

Josiah enjoys playing Ping-Pong and goes bowling in his free time, but when those weren’t an option, the occasional search for pawpaws (he assures us that they are a real fruit) in the woods outside of his home will do. He also really likes to visit presidential homes with his sister; this contributed to his love for presidential history. 

As the multi-talented man he is, Josiah can play the trumpet, piano, and is learning to play the guitar and trombone. His favorite TV shows are Parks & Rec., The Office, and a variety of historical dramas like Lincoln and Iron Lady. In his own words, Josiah’s music taste can be best described as “Christian melancholy folk”. 

His love for politics developed at a young age, showing through when he pretended to be “Mayor of Calfberg” as he tended to the animals on the farm. With so much time being consumed on the farm, Josiah never played sports growing up. However, he enjoyed bike rides around the fields as he kept track of his favorite cows, as well as the occasional game of walnut golf on the hill beside the farmhouse that he grew up in. 

With hopes of becoming an elected official someday, ideally the Governor of Virginia, Josiah is not short of aspiration. Additionally, he wants to be a pastor someday due to his strong desire for leading people to the redemptive freedom that is in Christ. This passion for bringing others to Christ shows through Josiah’s character and work ethic. 

Josiah grew up in a family that was different from most with both of his parents having lost their first spouse; his parents met each other and got married with a combined ten children, and then had Josiah. Growing up with a blended family of 8 brothers and 2 sisters has implemented the value of family in his life. Thus, the issues that are most dear to Josiah revolve around life. Josiah has said that he really wants to help others see that Christ offers them a way out of whatever situation that they are in, and that He can set them free to live the life that He has planned for them. 

So far, Josiah’s favorite part of the internship has been working with the other interns and traveling around the state. He enjoys the in-depth debates that go on between the intern class about important issues that most students our age don’t engage in. His favorite verse is Psalm 40:17: “But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.” 

We can say with the utmost certainty that The Family Foundation is blessed to have such an intelligent and delightful follower of Christ working for our office.


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