Meet Mike Morisi!

Today I am honored to introduce another new team member, Mike Morisi. A pastor himself, he is joining The Family Foundation to spearhead an exciting new pastor initiative we can't wait to tell you about!

Mike had a 30-year career in the corporate world before hearing the call to ministry in 2015. For the past seven years, he has led the development and operations of several national ministries and has worked to encourage elected leaders to seek first the guidance of the Lord when making decisions that affect all the citizens they work for, not just special interests. For many years Mike has been working through his ministry, Campus Harvest, to reach young adults on college campuses with the truth that their identity and purpose comes through relationship with Jesus.

Mike has a deep love for God and this country and believes the biblical foundation that made us so successful is crumbling because the church isn’t standing boldly for God's values. The Lord calls each of us to be Disciples and to make Disciples. Mike is called to reach the confused and the lost with the truth that is the word of God. 

Mike has five children, two who are already in Heaven, a son who is 33 and lives in Los Angeles, and two boys aged 16 and 13 who live with him and his wife Shannon, who is the most beautiful blessing God ever gave him. He loves to spend his free time with his family, so most days are spent on soccer fields or basketball courts. His family loves to travel and get away for weekends as often as possible. When asked about his favorite place that he has traveled to, he replied, "China. I loved the culture, people, food and deep faith of those who love Jesus." 

Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."


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