Major Early Session Vote Tuesday that Impacts the Electoral College!

One of the most contentious issues, and one of the few Leftist agenda items that did not become law during last year’s legislative nightmare session, was the so-called National Popular Vote Compact ("NPV").  Almost like no other, according to members of both parties, e-mails on this issue jammed their mailboxes. We need you to do it again this session before a key Senate Privileges and Elections committee vote Tuesday afternoon! 

Action: Click HERE to write your senator now and ask him or her to OPPOSE the National Popular Vote Compact.

The NPV is a compact that seeks to entice enough states with a majority of electoral votes between them, to join together and award their combined electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote. This clearly violates the U.S. Constitution’s electoral federal framework and deprives individual states of their right to award electors. Why should Virginia be forced to award its electors to the candidate New York and California votes for (both of which are NPV members)? It also violates the method of amending the constitution by running around the combined congressional and state ratification process. 

Last year the bill almost died in the House. In fact, it died in committee there, but high pressure arm twisting brought it back from the dead on a reconsideration vote a week later. Then it barely escaped the House floor. The Senate Privileges and Elections Committee, in effect, was the firewall, procedurally killing both the House and Senate versions of the bill. However, they never took an up or down vote on the bill itself, so no committee members are actually on the record as opposing. 

There are Democrats on the committee who do not like this bill, but they are facing pressure from their base. If you received this e-mail, your senator is on the P&E Committee. Only two Democrats need to join committee Republicans, who were solidly opposed to it last year, to kill this unconstitutional legislation. It truly is a 50-50 proposition. Your action matters! 

Action: Click HERE to write your senator now and ask him or her to OPPOSE the National Popular Vote Compact


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