Planned Parenthood’s Taxi Service for Minors

The Missouri Attorney General is taking on Planned Parenthood, the Goliath of the abortion industry. He is attempting to hold them accountable for allegedly transporting minors across state lines to obtain an abortion without parental consent. And his primary evidence is an admission by Planned Parenthood staff through an undercover video. 


Now Planned Parenthood is attempting to backtrack, stating this video is just a hypothetical and they want the judge to dismiss the case. They know this lawsuit could be a game-changer.


The videographic evidence recorded by Project Veritas last December shows a person acting as the uncle trying to help his hypothetical 13-year-old niece acquire an abortion without her parents knowing, and an employee at a Kansas City Planned Parenthood who admits they help facilitate these requests “every day.”  Click the image below to hear more from Missouri’s Attorney General about this case.

In 2022, after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, the state's “trigger law” went into effect, making nearly all abortions illegal – except for the life of the mother.  Abortion-minded women are now traveling to other states, like Virginia, for abortions. Now it appears that Planned Parenthood is aiding minors to do just that, and all without parental consent.


Here in Virginia, the opposite is happening. We have now become the target for out-of-state abortions. Jamie Lockhart, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, says their annual report reaffirms trends they've seen in Virginia, citing an increase from 2% to 20% for out-of-state patients at the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood.


This year, Planned Parenthood and their cohorts worked with pro-abortion legislators to pass several bills that would have:

  1. allowed Virginia abortionists to violate other states’ pro-life protections without any disciplinary action; and

  2. prohibited the Governor from extraditing a person in Virginia who has committed abortion-related crimes in other states, turning the state into a safe haven for rogue abortionists.

Along with our pro-life partners, The Family Foundation was able to help encourage the Governor to veto these bills. This victory ensures that an abortion provider who violates the laws of other states and harms women in the process can still be held accountable by that other state.


However, the pro-abortion groups have made clear that they will not give up until these bills are passed to protect the illegal and unethical practices of abortionists. While the legislature only meets for a few weeks out of the year, they are still hearing from the abortion industry. Don’t let them be the loudest voice in the room.


We encourage you to continue contacting your legislator and the Governor’s office over the summer to urge them to oppose these dangerous bills. Your voice reminds them why they are in office and who they represent.


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