Our Kids Are Not Your Social Experiment

We need your help to draw a clear line the state cannot cross when it comes to forcing sexualized agendas on schools, students and parents. Our state government has escalated these efforts to a new level with its attempt to force every single K-12 school in Virginia—regardless of whether local communities think it best serves their children—to adopt a radicalized form of transgender advocacy into every component of school life, even in the youngest grade levels. That's why we've launched #ProtectEveryKid—a movement to stand behind parents and school board members battling for the physical safety, hearts and minds of their children. Will you join the movement? By clicking the box below, you will access key resources you can share with your school board members to balance out the one-sided pressure they are receiving from liberal activists. You can also add your voice to the #ProtectEveryKid movement to receive alerts on soon-to-be-released equipping tools to help protect kids’ bodies, minds and hearts. Click the image to start now:


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