Bill Targeting Faith-Based Counselors Up Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the Senate Education and Health Subcommittee on Health Professions will hear SB 245 (Surovell, D-36) that would prevent parents from seeking counseling for their children who may struggle with their sexual identity or are experiencing unwanted same-sex attractions.  Under this bill, if any licensed health professionals (counselors, psychologists, physicians, etc.) provides talk therapy for these minors, they risk having their license taken away, jeopardizing their careers and livelihood.  This bill has everything to do with silencing professionals and trapping young minors in a lifestyle they desperately want to avoid.

ACTION: Urge the Senate Subcommittee to OPPOSE SB 245!

Incredibly, however, SB 245 would allow licensed professionals to provide “acceptance, support, and understanding” to a minor undergoing “gender transition” or exploring unnatural sexual desires.  That’s right – a counselor could encourage a young boy to “transition” into a girl, but would be prohibited by law from helping that same boy understand and affirm his identity as a boy!  This 2 minute video from perfectly describes this utter lunacy.

There are some who assert that licensed professionals who help clients overcome their unwanted sexual feelings are providing a service that’s not effective and can cause harm. But to suggest that this kind of talk therapy does not work is an insult to the countless individuals whose lives have been transformed through this kind of counseling.   

We know that the very opposite is true, because there are many inspiring success stories of people who have found help, healing, and wholeness in the sexual identity through counseling.  The Changed movement is a great example of a group of overcomers who used to identify as LGBTQ but through transformative power of faith-and-science-based counseling have walked away from that lifestyle.

Don’t let the General Assembly squash a parent’s ability to find the best care available for their child, or stifle licensed professions from providing this vital care.

Please Tell Your Senator to Respect Parental Rights and Rights of Conscience

Thank you!


Action Alert: Recreational Marijuana in VA is a Very Bad Idea!


Urgent Action Needed: ERA Hearing Tomorrow in the House