BREAKING – Attorney General Stands for Life!

BREAKING NEWS: On the day in which thousands gather to participate in the annual March for Life day, Attorney General Miyares filed a motion to remove Virginia as an amicus state supporting the abortion clinic in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization which the prior Attorney General, Mark Herring, signed onto, signifying the first major step towards reaffirming Virginia’s commitment to pre-born life!

The practice of abortion was legalized 49 years ago when the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in Roe v. Wade.  That decision could very well be overturned as the pivotal Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case will be decided this year, which has the potential to completely reshape the judicial landscape regarding abortion.

This week, I had the privilege of speaking before 1300 people on the potential impact of Dobbs and what post-Roe America could look like, particularly from the viewpoint of Virginia.  (Below is a video of my comments.)  We are thrilled that Virginia's Attorney General is now on the side of reaffirming the sanctity of human life!

Please continue to pray for the Supreme Court Justices who are preparing their written opinions.


Mama Bears Assemble!


Action Alert: Full Senate to Vote On Legalizing Polygamous Marriages!