Senate Passes Bill Protecting Parental Rights!

For every parent or legal guardian of a child who is concerned about what government agencies are communicating to their children without their consent or knowledge, we are excited to report that SB 1235, sponsored by Senator Mark Peake (R-Lynchburg), passed the full Senate yesterday!

This bill would prohibit the Virginia Department of Health or local department, and any entity it contracts with, from promoting and facilitating dangerous programs that involve contacting children about sex, sexuality, human reproduction, and other topics found in subsection B of Va. Code § 22.1-207.1 without parents’ consent or knowledge.

The bill was initially introduced to address the concerns over the "Teen Sex Text Hotline" that we learned about over the summer, which has since ceased.  However, we learned two weeks ago the Virginia Department of Health’s website now promotes links to three new webpages, including Planned Parenthood, where young children can communicate with someone anonymously. (Read more HERE.)

Please email Senator Mark Peake (R-Lynchburg) at and thank him for sponsoring this very important bill that protects parental rights.

The vote in the Senate was close (20–19), with two Democrats – Senators Joe Morrissey (D-Richmond) and Lynwood Lewis (D-Accomack) – joining the Senate Republicans to pass the bill.  You can also email Senators Morrissey and Lewis, to thank them for voting for this very important bill.

Joe Morrissey (D-Richmond) at

Lynwood Lewis (D-Accomac) at

As great of a victory as this is, there's still more work to be done as the bill now heads to the House where it’s sure to meet some opposition.


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