Meet Our Interns: Campbell Alexander

This summer, we are excited to have five Family Foundation interns working with us in our policy, grassroots, and legal departments. Since their start at the beginning of June, they have already done great work to advance The Family Foundation’s mission. In addition to their normal responsibilities, our interns participate in our weekly Equip Worldview Academy for high school and college students.

Each Saturday, for the duration of the internship program, we will release a bio of each intern, written by their fellow interns, so you can get to know these awesome additions to our team. Today, we are excited to introduce our first intern, Campbell Alexander.

Born and raised in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Campbell lives in Virginia and plans to stay here for his career. Campbell is an only child but has four cousins whom he considers to be siblings. He is currently a student at Liberty University, studying law and policy, and plans to attend law school after graduation. In addition to pursuing his undergraduate degree, he is a member of the Liberty University Moot Court team. Campbell has a deeply held passion for inner government workings and incorporating Biblical values into the current government structure. He is a devout Christian and is dedicated to pursuing God’s Kingdom in every way possible. His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” In addition, Campbell is a family man and is very close with his mom and admires her Godly parenting.

Campbell is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish, kayak, and go on the occasional backpacking or camping trip. Campbell is an adventurer by heart and spends as much time as he can in the outdoors and reflecting on God’s beautiful creation. He has even traveled to Africa and Mexico for hunting and mission trips. Campbell also enjoys surfing, woodworking, running, and playing sports. His favorite outdoor activity is fishing; he loves the peaceful and quiet environment. During high school Campbell played on the varsity soccer team and continues to play soccer with his friends in college.

Campbell decided to work at The Family Foundation this summer to advance God’s Kingdom here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He feels he is following his calling in public policy by offering his expertise here at The Family Foundation. Campbell says that “The Family Foundation is the best example of enacting real change on a local and on a state level . . . I am so grateful to work at a place that puts relationship with God first and serves him daily.” He has started work on several projects here at The Family Foundation and enjoys working on legislative policy issues. Some of his favorite memories so far are attending school board meetings, sitting in on the General Assembly, and meeting Governor Glenn Youngkin. Campbell looks forward to working on additional projects here at The Family Foundation this summer.


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