We Need You at the Loudoun County School Board Meeting

Once again, Loudoun County School Board is expected to trample on parental rights—despite the passionate parent outcry at every single board meeting!

Don’t let them stand alone. We need your help now!

If you are in the area, please make every effort to attend the the Loudoun County School Board meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. You’ll need to be there by 3 p.m. to get a seat for the 4 pm board meeting. (If there's still availability, you can register online to speak HERE.)

What’s at stake: The school board is expected to rush through adoption of its “transgender and gender-expansive students” policy—which is based on the Virginia Department of Education’s dangerous Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools." This policy seriously jeopardizes students’ physical safety and bodily privacy; free speech rights of educators and students, as well as parental authority.

What to do: 

  • Wear red, white and blue to the meeting

  • Come get your #ProtectEveryKid poster and stickers from The Family Foundation! You can also download flyers and stickers in advance HERE.

  • Sign the #ProtectEveryKid petition HERE.

When: Get there by 3 pm. To have a chance at finding a seat for the 4 p.m. meeting

Where: School Board Meeting Room at the School Administration Building, 21000 Education Court, Ashburn, VA 20148 (*Face coverings are required inside the School Administration Building.)

The Loudoun County School Board has turned their district into a statewide battle ground for protecting kids and parental rights — with people speaking up who are inspired by courageous parents and teachers like Tanner Cross!

That’s why we’re calling on you to add your voice to the movement by challenging the school board to protect every kid’s mind, heart and body. 

Even if you can’t be their physically, you can still be represented by signing the petition HERE.

Spread the words: Parents' rights don't end in the public school parking lot!


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