Democrats Now Advocating Forced Abortions?

Yesterday, we witnessed a rare and almost unbelievable debate on the Senate floor over a proposed amendment to HB 1979 (D-Sullivan), a bill that would bring a dramatic and dangerous policy shift concerning the creation and treatment of human life, the rights of children, the basis for parenthood, the significance of marriage, and the dynamics of the parent-child relationship. Senator Mark Peake (R-Lynchburg) introduced a much-needed amendment that would simply prevent the state from recognizing any clause within a surrogacy contract that required the surrogate mother to have an abortion or undergo the barbaric practice of "selective reduction" (killing one or more babies if multiple embryos developed).

We could hardly believe the debate that ensued. To our shock and dismay, every Democrat that got up to speak actually defended the ability of some people to force these vulnerable women to destroy the child(ren) inside their womb if the contract permitted the "intended parent(s)" to demand it - and for theoretically any reason. You can watch the entire floor debate HERE. (Start at 1:46:19 and go to 2:16:35)

Senator Peake, who did a phenomenal job defending the amendment, summarized his bill as follows: "This bill prevents people who are not going to carry a baby, and many times will never be able to carry a baby, from telling someone who is carrying a baby that she has to go in and kill that baby. That's the purpose of this amendment. And this amendment leaves that choice - that choice with the woman who is pregnant with the babies."

Apparently, that was just too much for Senate Democrats. Senator Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond City), in opposing the amendment, stated: "These decisions can and should be made between the parties to that contract, the woman who is putting her own life at risk to carry a child, and the family who is entrusting this woman to carry the child for them. And there is no reason we should not trust the three of them to enter into a contract that protects all of their interests." We couldn't help but wonder what happened to her otherwise standard line that "This is a decision solely between a woman and her doctor."

Adding to our shock, in a voice vote on the amendment, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax ruled that the "Nays" were louder and thus defeated the measure! The terrible bill then passed - and without ANY protections for the unborn lives, including for the countless thousands of frozen embryos.

Now the bill will be considered again by the House of Delegates either tomorrow or Thursday (since it was slightly different than the version it passed). This means it's the LAST CHANCE for the bill to be stopped or amended to make it somewhat less objectionable.

URGENT ACTION: Please click here to contact every Republican delegate claiming to be "pro-life" and urge them to ensure that - at the very least - unborn life is protected in this bill.

It's not too late - there is still time for the House to act! Please contact them now!


A Tragic Loss for Life and Family


Urgent Action Needed: Stop Tax-Payer Funding of Abortion in VA’s Budget