Respect Parents Petition

Parents and students have been directly impacted by a harmful policy – called “Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students” (originated under the Northam administration) – that directly threatens parental rights and undermines the privacy and safety rights of even our youngest students. We can all see the fallout in school districts like Fairfax and Harrisonburg where parents are cut out of the process when it comes to involvement in sensitive transgender issues. In fact, the ACLU of Virginia is using this holdover policy as one of its justifications for launching a lawsuit against the Hanover County School Board after it listened to the community majority and stood strong for parental rights. As a result, we are asking the Virginia Secretary of Education and State Superintendent to rewrite the “Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students” in a way that:

  • Removes wording encouraging schools to keep secrets from – and outright deceive – parents.

  • Removes wording that opens the door to the state punishing parents as “abusers” for simply expressing genuine, good-faith concerns about their young child prematurely embracing a transgender identity.

  • Removes language putting schools in the position of jeopardizing the privacy and physical safety of the rights of students, especially, young female students. 

  • Adjusts the policies in a way that recognizes and respects protections for the deeply held religious beliefs of all school employees and students.

We want to show just how strongly Hanoverians support these views on this critical issue.  Sign and share the Petition today, using the QR code at right.

We are stronger when we speak together!



Stay tuned for details!