Family Foundation Victories
Family Foundation’s Victories
Since our founding in 1985, The Family Foundation has worked to achieve many significant victories, including milestones such as implementing abortion center health regulations (2011), prohibiting taxpayer funding of elective abortions (2010/2019), the Student Religious Liberty Act (2008), Internet filters on public library computers (2007), a constitutional amendment affirming the definition of marriage (2006), parental consent before a minor can have an abortion (2003), required posting of our national motto “In God We Trust” in public schools (2002), a partial birth abortion ban (1998/2003), parental notification for abortion (1997) and outlawing riverboat gambling (1996).
While there have been literally thousands of bills over the years we’ve strategically and successfully fought to pass or defeat, below we list a few of the highlights.
Required Parental Consent for Abortion
Appropriate Health and Safety Standards for Abortion Centers
Require opportunity for women to view ultrasound prior to abortion
Wrongful death for unborn
Informed Consent for Abortion
Fetal Homicide Law (Conner’s Law)
Prohibited Partial Birth Infanticide
Passed Prenatal Protection
“Established Choose Life” License Plate with Proceeds to Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Eliminated State Taxpayer Funding of Low-Income Elective Abortion
Prohibit Funding of Elective Abortion in Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges
Restitution for Victims of Eugenics
Teach the Benefits and Value of Marriage in Family Life Education
Added a Marriage Amendment to the VA State Constitution
Increased Penalties for Possession of Child Pornography
Defeated the Elevation of Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity to a specially protected class
Religious Freedom
Conscience Clause protection for faith-based child placement agencies
Conscience and free association protection for college student groups
Initiated Moment of Silence in Schools
Required Pledge of Allegiance in Schools
Required Posting of National Motto: “In God We Trust”
Protected Public School Students’ Religious Liberty Rights
Conscience Clause Protections for Genetic Counselors
Parental Rights
Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit
Protected parental rights as fundamental
Educational Accountability in Schools
Private School Families Access to Public School Transportation
Required parental involvement for schools to survey children concerning sexual activity
Local Option and Parental Notification for Family Life Education
Internet Filters on Public School and Public Library Computers
Removed school barrier to Kinship Care
Constitutional Government
Property Rights Constitutional Amendment
Protected Free Speech on College Campuses
Outlawed River Boat Gambling
Pro-Family Welfare Reform
Defeated Regional Sales Tax Referenda
Began Phasing Out the Car Tax
Limited the Amount and Frequency of Payday Loans
Protected Private Property Rights with Eminent Domain Reform
Budget Transparency by placing State Budget Expenditures Online
Health Care Freedom Act
Banned Gambling at Internet Cafes
Refund to Taxpayers when Budget Surplus Existed
Our Victories to Come…
Full Educational Choice for Families
Prohibit Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood
Divorce Reform/Modified No-Fault Divorce
Religious Liberty Protections for Faith-Based Charities and Schools
Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Improved Access to Adoption