Suprise Miracle: VA Judge Reverses Himself on Terrible Abortion Ruling!

Your prayers continue to pay off in big ways! 

This afternoon, in an extremely rare and unexpected twist in the abortion industry’s zealous efforts to strike down nearly all of Virginia’s abortion restrictions, Judge Henry E. Hudson issued a sudden 180-reversal from his devastating decision last week declaring that non-doctors can commit abortions in Virginia.

According to Hudson’s Order today:

On further review, the Court is of the opinion that summary judgment was improvidently awarded to the parties on Count IV based on the present record. Rather, on further consideration, whether the "Physicians-Only Law" presents an undue burden to Virginia women who seek an abortion is a material fact that is genuinely in dispute.

Evidently, after sleeping on his initial decision for a few days, the judge realized he had made a serious miscalculation in judgment that was big enough to justify doing a complete (and very public) about-face. Or perhaps his surprise reversal was merely evidence of Proverbs 21:1 – “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it withersoever he will.”  

Whatever the full explanation, we're thrilled that Judge Hudson took this extraordinary step to reverse his earlier decision that jeopardized women's health, nullified our laws, and provided another free pass to the abortion facilities. Unfortunately, when we have an Attorney General who acts out of loyalty to a favored special interest instead of fidelity to the law, initial impressions of the court can become distorted. That seems to have played a role here.

The final trial to decide all these issues is still yet to be heard, but we’re tremendously grateful for this positive course correction. Please continue to pray as this case moves forward. Remember: "This is the confidence that we have towards Him, that if we ask anything according to his will He hears us." (1 John 5:14); and "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)


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