Meet Our Interns: Payton Gonzalez!

The Family Foundation Legal Intern, Payton Gonzalez, is acting upon her long-held passion for creating strong families! Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she grew up playing soccer, dance, and softball. She liked to play music, and even lugged around a saxophone that was bigger than her for two years! Continuing in these activities, soccer intramurals and marathons were also fun activities Payton did during her time as an undergrad. 
Payton went to Liberty University and earned a bachelor's degree in social work and a minor in psychology. In the upcoming school year, she will be a second-year student at the Liberty School of Law. Payton says that “God has used it to bring so much peace to my life, and personally I feel like it’s right where I am supposed to be.” She loves meeting all of the different people in law school with very different experiences and backgrounds. It opens up the door for many talents and minds to shine! 
Now living in Lynchburg, Payton and her husband have a new puppy named Beau. They enjoy traveling to different places and experiencing new foods and nature. Guatemala is one of their favorites and is where Payton’s husband grew up. They have visited multiple times, and enjoy the diverse corners of the country. It is always an adventure, and includes the best food and coffee! But Payton says that the older she has gotten, the more she has realized the value of home. She enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, and creating a space that is inviting to others. 

When asked who has been the most significant influence on her life, Payton responded with a mentor at church who had taken her under her wing and spoke life over her. She feels called to use her legal degree and her heart for families and social work in the future. She is passionate about teaching truth and doing so in love. Believing that our societies are only as strong as the individuals we raise within the families we create, Payton knows that we must start small to inspire healthy and supportive communities. She has done so much work and ministry in the past, in places like Las Vegas, England, and India! 

Payton feels like the Lord has brought so many of her passions and experiences together in The Family Foundation intern position. She enjoys getting to explore Richmond and meet new people. Payton loves working with her advisor Josh in the legal department, who entrusts her with research, writing, and client communications. And the intern room is her favorite, where she loves how much she gets to laugh every day. Payton is a light in the office, and brings so much joy to the conversations, office pranks, and donut trips we have on a regular basis! 

Payton's favorite bible verse is Hosea 2:14, “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.” It's a beautiful reminder that we walk hand in hand with the Lord in everything, and He seeks to be personal with every one of us. 


Meet Our Interns: Samantha Harris!


Virginia’s Roots -Constitutional Government