Abortion Bills Just Went Nuclear

Tomorrow, January 22, two pro-abortion bills are going to be heard and voted on by the House Courts of Justice Committee. Not only the members on that committee, but all of the Delegates, need to hear from you because I guarantee they are hearing from the other side.

Please contact your Delegate and urge them to Oppose these pro-abortion bills!

One of the bills, HB 980  (D-Herring) would:

  • Allows almost anyone – not just physicians – to perform abortions, including physician's assistants, nurse practitioners and even certified nurse midwives

  • Eliminates all requirements involved with informed consent prior to an abortion, including written materials and even the performance of an ultrasound before performing an abortion so that the woman has the opportunity to see the image and hear the baby’s heartbeat

  • Removes the 24 hour wait period between the ultrasound and abortion

  • Eliminates all the health and safety regulations and oversight from the state’s abortion centers that have proven so very necessary

  • Removes the civil penalties for abortionists who failed to do these things

This bill basically fulfills the wish list of Planned Parenthood and their allies to increase profits at the expense of women’s health and the death of thousands of unborn babies.

Another bill, HB 1060 (D-Adams, D.) gives the abortionist the option not to perform an ultrasound prior to an abortion and repeals the civil penalty if a physician fails to perform it. Currently, any physician who violates any provision of the abortion informed consent statute is subject to a $2,500 civil penalty.  If this bill were passed there would be nothing to hold the abortionist accountable, and more women will be harmed.

Because of the recent pro-life victories with the court case The Family Foundation won last year and the recent decision in Falls Church Medical Center v. Oliverthe Left and the new Democratic majority have to pass legislation to advance their pro-abortion agenda.

CLICK HERE now to contact your Delegate and urge them to stand for life for women and their unborn child, and to vote against these terrible bills!


Unlimited Right to Abortion!


Urgent: This Bill Will Shut Down Faith-Based Adoption Agencies!