Unlimited Right to Abortion!

Tomorrow, January 21, the Senate Privileges and Elections committee will hear a bill SJ 2 (D-Saslaw) to amend the Virginia Constitution to forever enshrine a virtually unlimited “right” to abortion. Adding a right to an abortion in the Virginia Constitution it means that even if the US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade (and President Trump’s next appointment may very well do it), Virginia would still uphold every form of abortion.

In addition, below are numerous other abortion bills that haven’t been scheduled to be heard – but will be soon – that will eliminate critical and common sense protections like parental consent before minor’s seeking abortions, the required 24 hour waiting period before an abortion can be done, and the requirement for an ultrasound prior to an abortion, all of which ensure needed protections for mothers facing such a permanent and life-altering decision.

Please contact your Delegate and Senator and urge them to Oppose pro-abortion bills!

SB 21 (D-Saslaw)  would i) Repeal the parental consent requirement for minors prior to an abortion, ii) Eliminate the requirement that an ultrasound be performed prior to an abortion, and iii) Remove all health and safety regulations from abortion centers, leaving them without oversight.

SB 68 (D-Locke) would eliminate the requirement that a pregnant woman seeking to an abortion must undergo an ultrasound at least 24 hours prior to obtaining an abortion.

HB 526 (D-Kory) would require all healthcare plans to cover the costs of various items, including abortions.

HB 980  (D-Herring) would i) Expand those allowed to perform abortions from physicians to also include physician's assistants, nurse practitioners and even certified nurse midwives,  ii) Eliminates nearly all the procedures and processes of informed consent, including the performance of an ultrasound before performing an abortion, and iii) Removes all health and safety regulations from abortion centers.

HB 1060 (D-Adams, D.) repeals the civil penalty if a physician fails to perform or supervise the performance of an ultrasound imaging required prior to an abortion.  Currently, any physician who violates any provision of the abortion informed consent statute is subject to a $2,500 civil penalty.          

HB 1445 (D-Price) would require all health benefit plans to cover the costs of all abortions, as well as require the state to fund abortions for anyone on Medicaid.

HB 1713 (D-Hudson) would allow any qualified health insurance plan sold or offered through a health benefits exchange established or operating in Virginia to cover abortions.

These bills show just how beholden the new Democrat majority is to Planned Parenthood and their cohorts. This is a critical hour for our Commonwealth. Now is the time for pro-life Virginians to speak out against these heinous abortion bills!

CLICK HERE now to contact your Delegate or Senator NOW and urge them to stand for life for women and their unborn child!


Action Alert: Religious Liberty is Now on the Line!


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