Repealing The Day of Tears!

In  2017, the Virginia House of Delegates voted 57-Y 36-N to pass HR268, a resolution to recognize January 22, of every year as “The Day of Tears in Virginia and that the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia be encouraged to lower their flags to half-staff to mourn the innocents who have lost their lives to abortion.”

But just last week, the House Rules Committee with a new Democrat majority, considered HR6, a resolution that recognizes January 22, as the Day of Women. Not only that, but the bill actually repeals the Day of Tears, something that it has never been known to do in the 400 year existence of this legislative body. It was unnecessary and spiteful!

I was there to speak to the resolution on behalf of the Family Foundation, and had I not stood up quickly, they would have voted on it without any discussion. In my comments I essentially shared that while we’re not opposed to a day of women, or a day of women on the same day, we are opposed to repealing the Day of Tears and effectively invalidating the voice of Virginians and will of the legislature that passed it in 2017. After all, so many tears have been shed by women and men since January 22, 1973!

House majority leader, Chanielle Herring (D-46, Alexandria) who presented the resolution on behalf of the patron, Kelly Convirs-Fowler (D-21, Virginia Beach) argued in response to my comments that many tears have been shed by women since January 22 was recognized as the Day of Tears!

A motion to strike the line to repeal was made and multiple members seconded it but Herring quickly proposed a substitute motion to pass the resolution by for the day, since the patron was absent; Although, that didn’t prevent Delegate Herring from trying to pass the introduced version of HR6 without the patron present.

Will certain members of this committee add insult to injury and invalidate the voice of thousands of women who regret their abortions in Virginia? The Day of Tears is alive for now, but there’s a strong likelihood it could be terminated. Hopefully, enough of them respect ALL women enough to let it live, albeit with a new sibling.


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