Huge Win for Faith-Based Adoption Agencies, and More!

Today has been a truly incredible day that reminded us of the goodness of God! While there’s been almost nothing but bad news over the past few weeks, today was different. Several great things happened, and we’re excited to tell you about them.

Effort to Close Faith-Based Adoption and Foster Care Agencies Failed!

Delegate Mark Levine (D-Alexandria) brought HB 1051 to repeal statutory conscience protections for faith-based adoption and foster care agencies, a law The Family Foundation fought hard to put in place in 2012. Read more about this issue from our recent blog. Something miraculous happened in the committee room today, and the bill was defeated because no one would “second” the motion to pass it!

TFF worked with other groups to mobilize folks against this bill that clearly targeted faith-based nonprofits to knowingly put them out of business, as has happened in other states, simply for making it a priority to place children in homes with both a mom and a dad. There is so much to tell about all that happened, but it was nothing short of a God intervening. One notable detail worth mentioning is how Pastor David Platt of McLean Bible Church and others showed up to testify against the bill. Now faith-based child-placing agencies can continue to do their incredibly valuable work, unhindered for at least another year.

Bill dies that made it “Child Abuse” to cause “mental injury” on basis of SOGI

Immediately after the tremendous victory on HB 1051, Delegate Elizabeth Guzman (D-Prince William, Chair of the subcommittee) asked to “Table” (i.e. defeat) her own bill HB 580, which would add to the definition of “abused or neglected child” a child whose parent “allows to be created or inflicted upon such child a physical or mental injury on the basis of the child's gender identity or sexual orientation.”  This is simply telling parents you must parent in a way that affirms a child’s same-sex desires or gender confusion, or else the state may take your child away from you!  The bill would have majorly infringed upon a parent’s ability to guide their child away from behavior they know will be harmful to the child. We were very concerned about this bill, but it was defeated before we even had to utter a word!

FLE Online Posting Requirement Passes House!

HB 1394 (R-Leftwich), a bill TFF drafted and initiated, requires each local school board to make Family Life Education (sex-education, or “FLE”) materials available on the school division’s official website to be more accessible for parents to review. It passed on the House floor today with wide bi-partisan support on a vote of 76-23. This is a positive and needed step in the right direction towards transparency, parental involvement, and protecting vulnerable children.

Christian Medical Doctors Push Back Against a Radical Anti-Life, Anti-Science Agenda

A group of white-coated doctors from the Richmond Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) held a press conference at the Capitol this morning to push back against efforts to expand abortion in ways that are unsafe for women.  They also condemned the practice of physician-assisted suicide which would undermine the most basic principles of our civil society by exploiting and devaluing those who are weak, vulnerable, and ultimately have no voice.  Finally, they courageously stood up against the liberal agenda to legitimatize concepts like “gender identity” and “sexual orientation,” and explained the need for medical practitioners and counselors to engage in talk therapy to free patients from unwanted sexual desires.  Their boldness was something to be admired!

This has been an emotional week for The Family Foundation and all Virginians who’ve watched as the new Democratic majority have steadily been stripping away laws that protect innocent unborn life and endanger the health of women, trounce religious liberties and impede on fundamental rights to raise our children.  But today was a demonstration of God’s provision and a reminder that His plans are greater than man's.

For “many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand." (Proverbs 19:21)


Repealing The Day of Tears!


Action Alert: Senate Taking Up “SOGI” Bills Targeting People of Faith!