Transforming Virginia “in two afternoons”

“The work of a lifetime is the work of two afternoons.”

That’s all it’ll take, according to Delegate Alfonso Lopez (D – Arlington) at a recent town hall event, for House Democrats to pass every one of their prized progressive policies if they are able to regain the majority in Virginia’s General Assembly this November. In the span of a few days, just months away from now, Planned Parenthood and their cohorts at NARAL-Pro Choice Virginia intend to use the Democrats to reverse 40 years (the work of a lifetime) of hard-fought pro-life gains! 

His point is essentially correct, and this should motivate every freedom-loving Virginian to do anything they can to prevent it. If “Kathy Tran Abortion” supporting candidates take the majority in the House of Delegates, the outlook for Virginia becomes very bleak, and Virginia could soon look like California or New York. Liberals would also have to take over the state Senate, too, but they’re only one seat away with lots of opportunities. Even at 20-20 (It’s currently 21R – 19D), the Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax (D) breaks all ties, and we know how that will go.

According to Blue Virginia, here are a few of the “progressive” policies modeled after New York that will likely be advanced in Virginia if the majority changes hands:

  • Ratification of the so-called Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”), which would enshrine abortion into the U.S. Constitution;

  • Repeal the religious exemption for childhood vaccinations that violates parents’ religious beliefs

  • Prohibiting biologically affirming counseling, or so-called “conversion therapy,” for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions or gender dysphoria

  • Decriminalization of marijuana for recreational use; and

  • Codifying Roe v. Wade into state law, guaranteeing women’s “right” to an abortion up until birth, regardless of whether the Supreme Court overturns Roe.

Far Left groups recognize this and are investing millions of dollars in support of Democrats to turn Virginia blue this November. Make no mistake, pro-abortion and LGBTQ groups are acutely aware that if Democrats can pick up just one or two more seats, there will be almost nothing that can stop them from ramming through every radical policy to further diminish the sanctity of life, marriage, the family, and religious freedom.

 Yet as true as it may be that Democrats could pass a lifetime of work in just one Session next year, it’s just as true to say that if we elect conservative, pro-life candidates this November we can protect a lifetime of pro-family and pro-life achievements.  There’s still time to preserve what remains of our strong foundation!

 The first thing you need to do is register to vote.  With this election being one of the most important in our lifetimes, it is imperative that pro-life, pro-family Virginians show up like never before to cast their ballots on November 5. Secondly, consider volunteering to speak on behalf of candidates who share your values by door knocking, attending campaign events, or writing op-eds to the newspaper. Don’t forget that in 2017 the House majority was literally decided by pulling Delegate David Yancey’s name out of bowl to determine the winner of House District 94, which ended in a tie.  This year, it could be your voice and activism that changes the mind of a voter, maybe even THE voter who decides the outcome of a race.

 Together, we can fend off the radical forces that seek to undermine our foundational principles that for a lifetime have shaped our culture for the good of all. And together, for our Commonwealth and its next generation, we must.


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