Stop Backdoor Legalization of Predatory “Skill Games”

The proponents of predatory “skill” games will do anything to flood Virginia with thousands of neighborhood slot machines using parliamentary tricks and the budget. The Senate approved its amendments to the budget (SB 800) that includes a provision to legalize "skill" games without going through the proper legislative channels - Item 4-14 #2s - Legalizes and administers "skill" game oversight.

Despite bipartisan opposition from law enforcement, community leaders, and citizens, some legislators managed to report a neighborhood slot machine bill out of committee before it eventually failed in a Finance committee.  Then they attempted to incorporate “skill” game legalization into a bill meant to establish the Virginia Gaming Commission which would provide oversight of gambling – something that Governor Youngkin asked the General Assembly to prioritize this year.

Now, they are attempting to amend the state budget to legalize these neighborhood slot machines without an open vote—another example of backroom politics at its worst. 

A report from Mangum Economics proves that so-called “skill” games prey on low-income communities and divert funds from critical public services like education. In states where these machines are legal there was a higher concentration of gambling machines in lower income areas and public education funding actually decreased as revenue shifted away from regulated machines.

Lawmakers must prioritize Virginia’s families over the predatory, gambling interests that exploit people for profit.

Additionally, there are other major bills that exploit people for profit:

  • Casino Expansion: SB 982 would expand the current number of approved casino locations from five to six by adding Fairfax. The bill passed the Senate and is now in the House Appropriations Committee, bypassing the usual gaming subcommittee, where it faces opposition but needs broader delegate opposition to be defeated.

  • Marijuana Commercialization: SB 970 and HB 2485 are proposals to increase access to recreational marijuana and create a commercial market in the Commonwealth.  SB 970 has passed the Senate and is now awaiting a full vote on the House floor, while HB 2485 has passed the House and is awaiting a vote in the Senate.

These efforts go hand-in-hand, raising further risks to vulnerable populations, exploiting those who can least afford to lose.


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