Jail People Who Pray & Shield Abortion Criminals!
The House Courts of Justice committee will soon vote on three extreme Senate bills that pose a major threat to Virginians' religious liberty, free speech, and the protection of life.
SB 1324 – Targeting pro-life advocacy and free speech
This bill is the state-level equivalent of the federal FACE Act, aimed at criminalizing pro-life sidewalk counseling and peaceful advocacy outside abortion facilities. It creates extreme penalties for those who simply pray outside abortion centers or approach a woman to offer her a brochure about life-affirming alternatives. This bill would restrict the ability of people to exercise their right to free speech in public spaces, silencing those who seek to support women in crisis.
SB 1098 and SB 743 – Protecting Virginia physicians who illegally prescribe gender transition drugs and abortion pills that violate laws in other states.
This bill would allow bad-actor physicians in Virginia to prescribe abortion and gender transition drugs to a person in another state that causes harm to that individual, and not be extradited to the state where the patient resides for prosecution. This bill would allow bad-actor physicians in Virginia to prescribe abortion and gender transition drugs to a person in another state that causes harm to that patient, and not be held accountable in the other state.
SB 743 is primarily focused on shielding abortionists who violate the laws of other states, whereas SB 1098 is broader and would protect gender-transition practitioners that skirts the laws of other states.
These three bills are part of a broader, coordinated effort to expand dangerous abortion and gender transition access with zero oversight while silencing pro-life advocacy by criminalizing peaceful opposition to abortion.