‘I’m A Teacher, But I Serve God First’

“I love all my students, but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher, but I serve God first ..."

Those words rang loud and clear—not only across Virginia, but the entire nation— as a warning bell of what's to come if we do not act now to protect our kids from sexualized, adult agendas being forced onto our schools. The courageous teacher who spoke those words—Tanner Cross, a physical education teacher in Loudoun County—was speaking about the transgender-issue policies proposed in his County that would force educators like himself to affirm the idea to kids that a biological boy can become a girl and vice versa. 

But this isn't going to stop in Loudoun County: Every single school board across the state—even in the most conservative, rural counties—is under intense pressure and intimidation efforts to adopt a Virginia Department of Education policy that, among other things, forces schools to allow biological boys to use the girls' bathrooms and locker rooms without parents ever being notified. But the good news is, brave parents are also speaking up! For instance, Jessica, a mom in Russell County, testified to her school board that "you have a pre-K through 7th grade school—ultimately during lunch time kids need to go to the bathroom. You could easily have at the elementary school a 3rd grade girl go to the bathroom and a 7th grade male [choosing] to go into the female bathroom ... there is not going to be supervision in there. How safe is that for that little child?" Don't let these parents like Jessica stand alone. Act now to:

  • Sign the #ProtectEveryKid petition asking your school board members to resist adopting guidelines that violate parental rights and endanger kids’ physical safety. 

  • Download Speak-Up tools, including #protecteverykid stickers, flyers, and memes, to spread the word. 

  • Share fact-sheet resources with school board members. Get started now by clicking the image below!


Intern Spotlight: Nicole Dentel!


Covid Vaccines, Schools, and Kids