The LGBTQ+ is Never Satisfied!

Everywhere one looks during the month of June, another store or television program is posting a rainbow or “Love is Love” sign to recognize so-called LGBTQ+ Pride Month.  One place few pro-family Virginians expected to see the pride mantel on display was at the Virginia Capitol by special invitation from the Governor.   Earlier this week, Governor Youngkin invited 33 leaders of the LGBTQ+ movement to the Capitol Rotunda for a reception in honor of Pride Month.  While the Governor certainly has the right (some would say obligation) to meet with Virginians regardless of their viewpoints, and extend to them kindness and respect, doing so as a part of Pride Month is a big disappointment.

Pride Month has been used by the radical LGBTQ+ movement to strong-arm communities into promoting their agenda.  It’s during Pride Month that graphic book displays and drag queen shows appear in children’s libraries.  And it’s during Pride Month that many people of faith find themselves in conflict with their employer or social group when they won’t fly the pride flag or emblem in some manner.

For many people of faith, participating in a pride event that promotes sexual immorality is viewed as celebrating or giving approval to what God has condemned (Rom. 1:32).  Unfortunately, as more and more employers and recreational teams embrace the LGBTQ+ agenda, many people of faith are experiencing religious freedom conflicts.  Recently, Five Tampa Bay Rays pitchers who bravely chose not to wear a rainbow colored emblem on their jersey during a recent major league baseball game because it conflicted with their deeply held religious beliefs, are now experiencing extreme backlash for their stand.  It’s because the LGBTQ+ demands that society either celebrate its ideology, or be demeaned and ostracized for your faith in front of the entire world.     

Beyond just those who morally object to participating in events celebrating sexual orientation and gender identity for religious reasons, are those people who have watched gender confusion destroy their lives or the lives of their children. Stories abound of individuals who have de-transitioned but are now sterile and wounded because of misguided decisions based on faulty research or illogical reasoning.

In what should've been no surprise to those in political circles, the Governor’s invitation was flatly rejected by LGBTQ+ representatives because he hasn’t succumbed to full capitulation to their agenda.  In fact, as groups issued press statements announcing their boycott of the event, they specifically noted that Governor Youngkin doesn’t support same-sex marriage and has defended Tanner Cross, a public school teacher from Loudoun who was fired over his religious objection to a transgender treatment policy that compelled him to speak a students’ preferred pronouns.

Although it’s unclear what Governor Youngkin’s objective was this week, it was evident, as is often the case, that those who attempt to walk a line that satisfies all parties only find themselves reaping the ire of all sides. Not only was the effort rejected, it earned several media stories that allowed reporters to carry the water of LGBTQ+ groups by outlining, in detail, why they find the Governor to be a hypocrite on the matter.

The lesson we must all learn from this is that no matter how altruistic of intentions a person may have, the LGBTQ+ movement is never content unless there is complete submission and outright celebration of its agenda.


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