Senate Committee To Consider Bill That Abolishes Electoral College

Last week we informed you about HB 177, a bill that would force Virginia into a compact with some of the deepest blue states in the nation to allocate their electoral votes to the presidential candidate with the most popular votes, no matter how Virginians vote! It is a top level agenda item of the most radical progressives in the General Assembly and its patron is one of their leaders, Del. Mark Levine (D-45, Alexandria).

HB 177 initially was killed in the House Privileges and Elections Committee when three Democrats joined all nine Republicans in voting no. The next week, however, the vote was reconsidered and reported to the floor where, earlier this week, it barely skated by, with 51 votes.

Tuesday it will be considered in the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee. The good news is that a similar Senate bill earlier this session found no support in that committee and was withdrawn. However, these senators have not had to vote on the record. Back them up! If you are getting this e-mail, your senator is on the committee! Please ask him or her immediately to vote no on HB 177!

Please Urge your Senator on this committee to vote NO on HB 177!

The National Popular Vote Compact is a backdoor – and illegal -- attempt to change the U.S, Constitution without going through the amendment process. The Left knows it is difficult for its candidates to win nationally and hope to snatch the presidency by winning big metropolitan areas and ignore small- and medium-size states

Virginians should decide who wins their own electoral votes, not California and New York, which have joined the compact. If the NPV goes into effect, voters in those states would effectively cast several ballots – the one for their own state and one for each state in the compact, diluting your vote in Virginia! The winner would have no cause to serve "flyover country" and would cater only to big states and cities. The Electoral College was created by our Founding Fathers to ensure the president would be a consensus choice of a broad cross-section of the country and therefore have a mandate. But the Left wants to ensure a machine driven winner beholden to the Radical Left who dominate the large cities on both coasts. It also opens the door for multiple and splinter parties which, ironically, would guarantee the winning candidate would need much less than 50 percent of the popular vote. 

Please urge you Senator NOW to OPPOSE HB 177!


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