Let Kids See Life in the Womb!

Tomorrow, January 22, the House Rules Committee will vote on HB 2244, sponsored by Delegate Dave LaRock (R-Loudoun), which would require as part of Virginia’s Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum that students be presented a video recording of an ultrasound of a live unborn baby.

The Family Foundation has often opposed portions of the public school FLE curriculum, which is filled with sensitive and values laden topics, where too often parents don’t know what is being taught.  Last year, we made some progress to help parents by passing legislation (HB 1394) that enables parents to view the school’s FLE materials from an online parental portal, and we also launched our own Family Life Education Parent Resource Center to provide parents with the links to FLE curriculum and forms in their localities.  

HB 2244 would be a positive addition to the FLE curriculum because it enables students to view the wonder of life developing in the womb in a powerful display.  By showing them a recording of an ultrasound of a baby in the womb – something that every mom and dad gets to see – the student can see the miraculous process of human development that God created. And they can see with their own eyes, that there really is a baby in there.

ACTION: Please contact your Delegate and urge them Support HB 2244!


What’s So Offensive About Ultrasounds?


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