More Radical Policies Expected this Session!

Today the General Assembly convened for the 2021 Regular Session.  For the next 45 days (30 days, plus a planned Special Session extension), the House of Delegates will conduct all its committee meetings and full sessions virtually and the Senate will meet in-person at the Virginia Science Museum for full sessions but hold committee meetings virtually.  Despite some legislators and their staff working from Richmond, the inability to freely walk the halls of the Capitol and the General Assembly building makes this session very different. 

We fully expect this session to be filled with many tough battles as we fight to ensure churches and clergy are always considered essential, protect the preborn from abortion, support parental rights, and defeat bills that target people of faith.  Just this week, Governor Northam renewed his top legislative priorities list, which includes “tuition-free” community college and legalizing recreational marijuana.  In fact, the first marijuana legalization bill (HB 1815, Heretick-D) has been introduced! 

In addition, pro-abortion legislators this week introduced two bills that would expand taxpayer funded abortion coverage. HB 1896 (Hudson-D) would allow coverage of abortion on demand in health insurance plans in Virginia’s health exchange, which is used by tens of thousands of low- and middle-income Virginians.  HB 1922 (Price-D), would expand abortion and contraception coverage in Virginia’s Medicaid program, as well as require this coverage in private health benefit plans.

In order to advance our pro-family and pro-life values, it’s important for you, your family and friends to stay engaged with us so you know what’s happening at the General Assembly.  Below are some important ways you can get engaged:

  • It is critically important during the legislative session, and in light of growing social media censorship, to stay connected with us via our email updates.  Encourage your family and friends to subscribe to our email alerts.  

  • You can also signup to get our text alerts by texting the letters "TFF" to 77222.  During session you will be alerted in real time when there are important legislative debates taking place.

  • And be sure to follow us on our Facebook page.

Virginia families and our Judeo-Christian values are under assault, but our Policy team is ready to confront these challenges this year. Please join us in prayer for our state, our elected leaders, and our policy team as the Virginia General Assembly Session begins today.


Action Alert: Virginia Taxpayers Forced to Pay for Abortions?


Faith-based Adoption Agencies Threatened!