“Nanny Bills” Allow Government to Inspect Private Homes

The House and Senate have passed the “Nanny State” bills - SB 1310 (D–McClellan) and HB 1864 (D-Price).  During the Session, we reported how these dangerous bills could result in parents being sued for "sex discrimination" if they hire a woman over a man to take care of their young children as a babysitter or nanny in the home without them being there, or for “religious discrimination” if they specifically hire someone of their own faith as an in-home tutor, and even be subjected to in-home visits from the Health Department to conduct an inspection of the premises!

Now these bills are headed to Governor Northam for his approval, which means we need to urge him to VETO – or at least amend – these bad bills.

Click HERE to contact Governor Northam and urge him to Veto or Amend these "Nanny State Bills"!

These bills create a new category of employee called a “domestic worker,” which includes anyone who is paid “directly or indirectly” for the “performance of services of a household nature performed in or about a private home.” This would include: home companions, babysitters (other than family members, friends, or neighbors), a nanny to care for one’s children, tutors, in-home nurses, caretakers, home health aides, personal care aides, etc.

Under these bills, anyone who hires just one person, even if it’s part-time (a few hours a week), to babysit their child or provide in-home tutoring, would be treated as an employer and open them up to civil lawsuits under the Human Rights Act from the Attorney General and/or disgruntled applicants.

The House and Senate also passed HB 2032 (D-Gooditis), similar to SB 1310 and HB 1864, that defines a “domestic worker” slightly narrower as any permanent or part-time companions, cooks, waiters, butlers, maids, valets, and chauffeurs.

Worse yet, SB 1310 and HB 2032 would authorize the Health Department “to enter without delay” a person’s home and “to inspect, investigate, and take samples” and “all pertinent conditions, structures… and materials therein, and to question privately any such employer, owner, operator, agent, or employee.”

Click HERE to contact Governor Northam and urge him to Veto or Amend these "Nanny State Bills"!


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