Meet Our 2020 Policy Team & Watch Them Live On Important Bills

The challenges confronting us during the 2020 General Assembly Session are like none we’ve ever encountered.  With Democrats now holding the majority in both the House and Senate, “progressives” are poised to completely transform Virginia.  That, however, won’t deter The Family Foundation from working tirelessly to defend the conservative values that you and I share!

I’m thrilled to announce The Family Foundation Policy Team who will be advocating for pro-life and pro-family values all session long.  Under the leadership of Todd Gathje, Director of Government Relations, and Josh Hetzler, Legislative Counsel, this incredible team will track hundreds of bills, spend countless hours in committee rooms listening to and offering testimony, visiting with legislators, and collaborating with other like-minded groups to affect policy.

Top Row: Stephen Rossie, Kathryn Wilely, Josh Hetzler, Victoria Cobb

Front Row: Jackee Gonzalez, Todd Gathje, Mary Truitt

During session, if you want to watch important committee and floor debates live you can do so through our “Text-To-Watch” system.  Throughout session our team participates in or observes important debates in committees about bills that pertain to issues like the sanctity of life, marriage, parental authority and religious liberty.  Frequently, the full House or Senate will also hold debates over legislation which can be very informative. 

Since we don't always know when these debates will happen, you can skip the hours of debate and get a link sent to your mobile device right when the important bill is up.  Wherever you are at, you can tune in on your mobile device to watch important legislative debates happen in real time!

You can sign up for Text-To-Watch alerts from The Family Foundation by texting the letters TFF to the number 77222.


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