Has This Madness Come to Your School District Yet?

Parents all across Virginia need to be aware of the dangerous classroom book initiatives and the explicit sex and drug-use surveys that some school districts are instituting. Your county or city’s schools may already be pushing them.  Just consider the following:

 Loudoun County’s “Diverse Classroom Book Initiative”

 This week parents  again confronted the Loudoun County School Board about its new “Diverse Classroom Library Initiative” that was forced upon them without any public discussion. It places books containing sexually explicit and ideologically-charged content into K-12 classrooms across the school district.  What was thought to be an initiative to instruct students about different cultures and ethnicities, has simply been another effort to indoctrinate children about “sexual diversity” and transgenderism.

Typically kindergartners read fun books like “Green Eggs and Ham” or books that emphasize historical heroes like Jackie Robinson. But not in Loudoun County, which believes that kindergartners should be introduced to books like “My Princess Boy,” which teaches them that they can deny biological reality and choose a gender they most identify with, or “Heather Has Two Mommies” which blatantly promotes a concept of family that is inconsistent with the values many families hold. As the students get older, the content of the books becomes more sexually explicit.

This is what happens now anytime a public school system attempts to inject “diversity” or “equity” programs into a school curriculum.  And now these books are in the classrooms for teachers to read to students and include in their lessons at their discretion.  It’s no wonder Loudoun parents are upset, because this program interferes with their fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their child.

To learn more about this program and the titles of some of the books that can be found in the classrooms, visit the website for Parent and Child Loudoun, a group dedicated to protecting the rights of parents in Loudoun County.

Fairfax County Youth Survey

Fairfax parents are facing another kind of threat in which all 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students are being administered the Fairfax County Youth Survey, unless parents opted them out or instructed them not complete the survey.  For the past two weeks, Fairfax County public school students have been completing surveys that ask very intrusive questions that range from alcohol and drug use (6th Grade Survey) to extremely sexually explicit questions (8th, 10th, and 12th Grade Surveys) like “How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?” and “Have you ever had oral sex?”

The book initiative in Loudoun and the surveys in Fairfax are just more examples of efforts to promote a radical LGBTQ ideology to children as young as 5 and 6 years old. Parents need to be aware that these initiatives are becoming a common reality in public schools. Don’t be caught off guard. Find out today if your child’s schools have programs like these and make sure to protect them before they’re subjected to this extreme agenda.


The First Five Legislative Proposals Are…


Fairfax Parents - Opt Your Child Out Now!