Signs of the Times

Ever gotten lost and had to consult one of those “You Are Here” maps? Our culture looks a little lost and crazy right now. It's time to step back and look at the flashing neon “You Are Here” signs that are staring at us right in the face, like the fact that college students are siding with Hamas terrorists. In this week’s podcast we discuss the warning signs all around us today and what they mean for our future.

Our culture has made compromise after compromise, and each little compromise has brought us to where we are today - men and women claiming gender can change, abortion accepted in our culture, and parents cut out of their own children’s education.

As many go back to school this fall, the first “You Are Here” sign that comes to mind are the college campus protests we saw over the summer. There's been a lot of trepidation about whether we will see see protests cropping up again. This issue brought to light just how far the universities have gone and how our young people have been swept into Marxist philosophy. These protests weren’t simply pro-Palestine. There were pro-Hamas, antisemitic chants. They displayed a deep-running hatred, not only of Jewish people, but of Western culture and Judeo-Christian heritage and values—traditions and institutions which are the strength of our nation. Unless something changes and we start creating other alternative forms of education we must recognize that we are on a path to losing America’s foundational values.

In April, we saw another “You Are Here” sign as a major poll revealed that one in five Americans believe violence is a legitimate means to achieve certain ends. That's a horrific number, but it explains how so many can justify protesting on the side of terrorism.

As we watch the backlash against the transgender agenda finally begin, we’re glad to mark this as a positive “You Are Here” sign. Last week we discussed a major medical association with plastic surgeons which declined to endorse gender surgery. We’ve seen even in Virginia, teachers willing to get fired - to stand up and say that they are not going to push deception on kids. Our own Speak Up! teams have hosted Protect Every Kid rallies outside several schools in Virginia, urging their schools to protect children. It’s especially encouraging to see nurses and doctors such as Dr. Eithan Haim, blow the whistle as their hospitals and industries wield ideology and advanced technologies to give kids invasive medical surgeries to try to stamp out any physical evidence of biological gender.

Where does that leave us? It gets back to the “salt and light” role of the Church and His body: Without a redemptive understanding of who Christ is and our identity in Him, we can never truly embrace the sacred value of human life, or the value of men and women, or the concepts of morality and truth and selflessness. Without Him, we will fall into a Marxist, “might makes right” worldview, which results in American college students siding with terrorists; doctors arbitrarily ending the life of a human baby; and radical, transgender ideology that exploits youth and parents.

Let’s hope enough Americans can come back to an understanding of what it truly means to know Jesus, our repentant need for Him and His unconditional love for us to have a writ-large impact on our culture—and keep us from diving off the cliff.


Exploiting Children to Push a Faux Ideology


Kids Are Collateral Damage When Parent Rights Are Destroyed