Founding Freedoms Law Center Officially Launches!

It is a momentous day, with over 1,000 new state laws taking effect in Virginia, with many of the most significant ones aimed at destroying innocent unborn lives, God’s design for male and female, the nuclear family, parental rights, and the most basic notions of religious freedom. (Read our blog for a list of some of the worst laws.)

But that is not the only reason today is so momentous.

In direct response to the recent onslaught of anti-family, anti-freedom, and anti-faith initiatives in Virginia through unjust laws and unlawful orders, The Family Foundation is today officially launching our new legal arm – Founding Freedoms Law Center! (Watch our Press Conference)

The bottom line is, we knew we had to increase our capacity to fight for God-given foundational freedoms and against oppressive and unjust government edicts – not only in the executive branch and the General Assembly, but also in the courts. And so was born Founding Freedoms Law Center (FFLC).

We could not be more excited about carrying our mission to another key battleground of public significance in the judicial branch. We understand, as our friend John Stonestreet says, that ideas have consequences, and that bad ideas have victims. So we recognize that these new laws, along with an unchecked executive branch, will inevitably result in many people whose fundamental rights need vindicating. And FFLC is going to do that free of charge to our clients.

So I hope you are as excited about this development as we are, and I hope you will support us in this bold but necessary endeavor in whatever way you can, whether through your prayers, giving, or referrals. If you or someone you know may be impacted by one of the new state laws or local ordinances in a way that threatens or directly infringes upon fundamental liberties, please call us at (804) 971-5509 or visit our website at and fill out an inquiry form.

We look forward to telling your more about our progress in the days ahead! (And check out FFLC’s very first client and victory HERE!)


BIG Changes In Virginia State Laws Starting Today!


Supreme Court Gives Abortionists Another Pass