Virginia Universities Experimenting on Kids

Medical experimentation on children in the name of “gender-affirming care,” which involves chemical sterilization and referrals for body mutilation, is happening right here in Virginia, and it’s happening at two of the major medical institutions in the state – University of Virginia Childrens Hospital and the Richmond Childrens Hospital of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

The UVA Children’s Hospital features an adolescent sex change track that begins with puberty blockers for children as young as 11 and referrals for double mastectomies for 16-year-olds, according to Dr. Christine Burt Solorzano who is a physician at the clinic.  Solorzano admitted in a YouTube video (which has since been deleted) to performing double-mastectomies on minors and said a nine-year-old may not fully understand the risks, but a parent can give consent on their behalf to begin hormone “treatment."

In a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, researchers found that 81% of those who had undergone sex change surgeries in the past five years reported major complications and long-lasting pain after the procedure, including lower back pain, groin and pelvic pain, shoulder pain, bladder control issues, and more.  In addition to that, the data demonstrates that there is NO mental health benefit for hormonal or surgical procedures.

Chloe Cole is a teen “detransitioner” who at age 12 started down a path of puberty blockers and testosterone, culminating in a double mastectomy when she was only 15 years old. Now she speaks out against the evil “gender industry.” She describes how two years after her procedure she still has fluid to leak and is constantly wearing bandages over to help.

Some countries are beginning to acknowledge the harm that hormones, puberty blockers and surgical procedures can have on otherwise healthy physical bodies of young kids and are beginning to dial back on their services for minors.

  • Great Britain - The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation in London ended most of its sex-reassignment treatments following an independent review and allegations made by former staff and patients.

  • Sweden - Hospitals halted the use of puberty blockers and are now recommending psychotherapy for gender dysphoria instead.

  • France - The National Academy of Medicine in France has urged medical professionals to use caution when a young person requests gender transition treatments.

Yet, UVA Children’s Hospital and Richmond Children’s Hospital of VCU are moving full steam ahead with pharmaceutical and surgical experimentation on children.  We cannot allow this to happen to more young kids in Virginia; we must act immediately to end this medical scandal. 

Already, 20 states have taken steps to either prohibit transgender treatments and surgeries for minors or impose significant restrictions.  In Virginia this year three pieces of legislation were introduced to prohibit minors from being used as experimental specimens by misguided medical practitioners, including the Safe Act similar to the version passed in Arkansas and another version called Help Not Harm.  All three were defeated by the liberal majority in the Senate.

With the growing body of evidence showing that so-called “gender-affirming care” causes real and lasting damage, Virginia must join other states to ensure that a child struggling with gender confusion receives compassionate care – not experimental hormones and surgery.


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